Are living picture aquariums good for a beginner?

They look great and I'd probable have one if they weren't that expensive

but for £240 your not getting much :eek: you could buy a very big and nice aquruim and stock it with alot of lovely fish rather than having art deco statement!!

My LFS stocks the Moby dicks and there great for only £40 squid, I would of bought one for my crabs I'm getting but couldn't afford one. The look really smart aswell.
heres how muched it cost for my 4ft set up (yup i still got recipt)

48x18x15 tank 74.50
shark filter 19.99
2x sand at 9.95 each 19.90
300w heater 18.99
48x15 metal hood 40.99
light bulb 11.99
lighting starter unit 18.49

plus metak stand of 35

brings it to a total of 239.85

wow u sure got ripped off..
Not really, i got all that stuff included too, plus plants and ornaments.

As well as that i dont have a big tank taking up space which i dont have. And in my opinion mine looks nice as theres no ugly wires or anything showing.

Getting a 4 foot tank is fine if you have space for it, but not everyone does.
my 4ft dosnt have 'ugly wires and such' showin either...

but what im tryin to point out is this... u got somthin that would prob's cost what... 30 quid to make... say 70 quid for all the stuff thas come with it when u could have got somthin bigger..

i understand the no room part tho.... plannin on turfin the bf and his gadgets out to make more room for tanks... as it says under my avatar... mts sufferer :)
Paul gl with your tank you know what fits best in your space and seem to have the smarts that you researched this before hand therefore I feel your fish are in competent hands :D
paulioo said:
The guy who said..

Personally, I think you're all cruel for putting fish in tanks. Fish belong in the wild.

was joking. Notice the J/K at the bottom with the :p face.

paulioo: Thank you for not quoting me out of context, and for having a sense of humour! :)

Fawke: j/k = "just kidding", in case you didn't know...
I've got a Living Picture Aquartium - 80cm x 46cm and I've had 12 small fish (mainly neons, harlequins and zebras) in it for over 12 months and the fish are very happy and have actually grown quite a lot ! It comes with a filter that fully circulates the water, a heater/stat and lighting. looks great on the wall - what's the problem ?

What's the difference between putting a 1 inch fish in a 4inch deep tank compared to a 3inch fish in a 12inch deep tank ? Answer - the smaller fish has more room in his tank ! Maybe the same width but much more room top to bottom and side to side. Also, the surface area to volume ratio is the same for any tank of the same depth - some people need to take their maths exams again ! (if they ever took them) thickies I think !

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