Are fantail guppies...

Well, in a word, I'd say.....


This small group of individuals often indulge in chasing and nipping the fins of the slower swimming fishes . This destructive behaviour can easily be avoided or prevented by making sure that there are always more than half a dozen tiger barbs in any aquarium. When in a group, they swin in shoals and will leave the other tank mates alone.
extract taken from and will probably be backed up by other Tiger Barb keepers (who also keep tailless guppies :))
new_fish_guy86 said:
I have 10 tiger barbs so won't they mess with each other and not with the Guppies. And besides Fantail guppies are pretty fast moving fish. :sly:
I guess you answered your own question then :fun:
You can keep 'em both, but you'll have tatter-tail guppies instead of fan-tail guppies. Could even lose a guppy or two. I've kept 'em together before.
Time will tell though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You do have a heads up on it though by keeping a large group of the tigers. Hopefully this will curb their aggressive attitudes and keep the squabbling amongst themselves!!

unless one of the guppys p1$$e$ the tigers off.
I have 5 and they basically squabble among themselves, however about a year ago I kept guppies, but the tigers got there way and ended up not only ruining their tails, but they actually managed to hound them to death, needless to say I never bought anymore guppys, as removing the tiger barbs was not an option.
:D :D
I would completely agree with Frazzle1211 - I have 5 tiger barbs in a community tank and they seem to have plenty of energy to terrorise everything else as well as each other. They picked on my female dwarf gourami so badly I have moved her to another tank to heal. Although my platies are not bothered by them often as the large male platy seems to give as good as he gets! :nod:
Barbs are viscious little critters - drown them and keep the guppies! :nod: :nod: :nod:

I wouldn't keep them together for the reasons stated above.
I am hurt Andy, drown a precious little

I have 6 of them and they still chase the others around.....I wouldnt put anything in the tank with them that has a fancy tail or long fins as they think its dinner

Teresa, I havent had any babys as of yet. I have one that is really big but all the research I do turns up nothing on getting them to breed. Be my luck it will be a complete flip flop of what it takes to get my swords and platys to go at it, if thats the case then they just dont need to have babys as I love my swords

I completely agree Andy :D but before I added them my tank was wonderfully peacefully and very pretty but it was VERY DULL :/

The tigers cause havoc and they make me look forward to looking in my tank in the morning just to see what mischief they are causing. They havent killed any of their tankmates yet, although the female dwarf gourami I had to move is not looking too good.

I just love to see them whizzing around the tank :fun:
:D If i'm honest with you, I would always have tiger barbs in my tanks (providing there were no fancy tails etc, for them to nip)

They are great little fish, and as teresa says, they draw you to the tank too see what they are up to.
The colouring on them is fantastic also, I recently changed from a sunlight bulb to a natural daylight bulb, and the red/orange of their fins and body are awesome.

I just wouldn't be without them.
:) :D

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