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I've had a hard time balancing the lights and the over head growth on this tank recently, there are a lot of floating plants and emerged plants growing on the mesh lid so at its peak I had my Twinstar SM at 70% which is what I had it at when I used Co2 - previous low tech scapes in here have been between 40-50%. In this I've managed to get some good plant growth but also getting some black beard algae which is a bit frustrating.
I had a big trim yesterday to get rid of as much algae as possible and give the healthy plants the best chance so in trimming back I've also dropped the lights back to 55% and I can see how it goes this week.
Fish and shrimp in here are all doing great still really happy with the puffers and glowlights. Some of my Amano shrimps are huge now! I do get an urge sometimes to maybe change it up as the puffers do lurk quite a lot and the cloud of Glowlight Danios disappear very quickly if I move too much even after a few months now. Tanganyikans are probably top of the list if I went down that route but not sure...