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February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Got quite a nice shot of the puffers at breakfast this morning.

Screenshot 2022-07-08 at 09.53.42.png

Beautiful! They're so cool looking! Before I got into the hobby I had no idea there was such a variety of puffer fish. You always picture either the baseball sized cartoon ones, puffed up, or the huge ones that need 100s of gallons. These are so small, and such interesting colouration! Those red eyes - kinda scary but awesome looking!
Wow! What species are they!? Very beautiful! Never seen a puffer quite like this before
Thank you!
I noticed I have a lot of fish on my want to keep list 😳😅
Haha, me too! I just started wondering if I want to set up a pea puffer tank, then shook myself and reminded myself that I'm currently already trying to get my newer set up established, and planning a tank upgrade for my pygmies, so have enough on the go as it is! No new tanks or fish yet... lol!
Haha, me too! I just started wondering if I want to set up a pea puffer tank, then shook myself and reminded myself that I'm currently already trying to get my newer set up established, and planning a tank upgrade for my pygmies, so have enough on the go as it is! No new tanks or fish yet... lol!
My mom teased me when we were at pet smart yesterday... She said: "Ooo look at this tank wouldn't it look really nice next to the other one" I quickly turned around and said: "Uhh, yes, yes it definitely would"... Then she says: " Oh you thought I was being serious? Also, if I wss we would have to clean up that room"
I was crushed 😂😂
Beautiful! They're so cool looking! Before I got into the hobby I had no idea there was such a variety of puffer fish. You always picture either the baseball sized cartoon ones, puffed up, or the huge ones that need 100s of gallons. These are so small, and such interesting colouration! Those red eyes - kinda scary but awesome looking!
Thanks :) quite a few puffers around now a lot have always been in the hobby but go through peaks and troughs of popularity. Probably 4-5 species now that can be kept with other fish. I call these guys water melons which I wish would catch on as Red Eyes are a confusing common name as it refers to 3-4 species that are all a bit different.

Thank you!
I noticed I have a lot of fish on my want to keep list 😳😅
In the right kind of set up they would probably be ok with your Peacocks...

Haha, me too! I just started wondering if I want to set up a pea puffer tank, then shook myself and reminded myself that I'm currently already trying to get my newer set up established, and planning a tank upgrade for my pygmies, so have enough on the go as it is! No new tanks or fish yet... lol!
Since finding out that Pea Puffers are true hardwater fish they've been bumped up my list I saw some three year old adults on a group the other day and they were actually pretty big, not the little dots you usually see almost comparable to my guys.
I don't want to risk it... Most puffers nip and chase fish... I don't want my peacocks to get all banged up
I have neon green rasboras, neon blue gobies and amano shrimp with mine and never had a nip on anything. I've seen a couple of tanks where people have peacocks with these puffers too :)
I have neon green rasboras, neon blue gobies and amano shrimp with mine and never had a nip on anything. I've seen a couple of tanks where people have peacocks with these puffers too :)
Thanks :) quite a few puffers around now a lot have always been in the hobby but go through peaks and troughs of popularity. Probably 4-5 species now that can be kept with other fish [...]

In the right kind of set up they would probably be ok with your Peacocks...

Since finding out that Pea Puffers are true hardwater fish they've been bumped up my list I saw some three year old adults on a group the other day and they were actually pretty big, not the little dots you usually see almost comparable to my guys.

You are encouraging MTS in both myself and @Rocky998 ! :oops:
I see what you're doing... :p
Now I might look into them further 😂... Thank you! They seem like really cool fish
Water change tonight, gave the glass a good clean but nothing major, mainly getting the water marks off the top bit. Hauled out a load of snails again, really hate how much they have taken from this tank :( I did see my assassin snails in action tonight too, and I'm fairly certain my puffers have started chomping again too so hopefully this is on the way out now.

Quick shot, pre clean of my red root floaters for @AdoraBelle Dearheart it is possible in hard water don't give up :)
Screenshot 2022-07-22 at 22.01.21.png

Tank post clean without the Monsterra in, cant wait to move it to the back of the tank.

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And with the Monsterra, it does add something but don't love the position.

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Hopefully into the count down of moving this to my office and rescaping it, I would imagine it will likely be something like the 13/14th of August might try and take the Friday off too.

I'm trying to work out the steps because I want to rehome some fish at the same time, and I need to strip the tank to catch them so it sort of works out. I'm planning to do it over 2 days, day 1 is strip the tank down and catch the fish, bag them up and then rebuild the tank a bit, probably with most plants just floating but might try and weight some down? Not sure what to do with the substrate at this point? I could just put it in a bucket over night and keep it wet I suppose? I want to get an early start as I want to take these fish to Wharf Aquatics as most confident they will have the best chance of getting a good home from there and also I want the credit note from there rather than giving them to my local MA as thats the only other option.

Day 2 is moving the actual tank over, so that will be draining the tank again moving it to the new room and putting the actual scape together. I know what I want to do so I don't think it will take that long - I don't have an exact shape in my head but its basically a triangle from the front right to the back left with fine sand all around it, the soil will go in bags under it and I'll use a coarser sand between rows of rocks to plant. I'm letting my vallis go nuts at the moment as that will be a big part of it, I have some great Crypt Balanase growing in here now too and I want to add a crinium to it for loads of textural reed type plants then add some of the other plants that are already in like the crypts and remaining dwarf sagitaria. I want to add in some Cardamyne Lyrata as its a favourite of mine, I have it in my 30 litre and its been in this tank before and seems to do well. I also want an other plant from my 30 litre which is Hydrocotyle Vulgaris which is apparently usually a pond plant but I think it looks great in tanks too and the creeping growth looks really good and I think it could break up the big area of sand substrates.

Bit of a ramble there but yeah gives you an idea of my plans :)


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