aquarium in the bedroom?

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houndour said:
actually its not the airstone I had trouble with, but the I dunno what you would call it..the piece of machinery that runs it. on the 2 that I got years ago that didn't go in the water. They had rubber feet but I found that didn't help.

It "Sounds" to me like you might be talking about a Diaphram Air Pump.?. :dunno:

I gave them up about 2 years back, Although I keep a Couple of them in Reserve.
Yes they can Make Quite a bit of Noise Once the Rubber Feet on them Begin to Wear Thin, Or if they like to slide over next to Something and Vibrate against it/Whatever it May Be.
But the idea of the peice of Sponge was Still a "GREAT Idea". :kana:

Have I given up Air Pumps all together? "NO"
I've since Got me a Dynamaster Dual Piston Air Pump, That is rated to Put Out enough Air from each Piston at the rate to Supply at least 10 1" airstones.
So Needless to say it's quite Noisy, But I have One in my Bedroom and it Does'nt Bother Me a Bit, Nor my Wife even though She didn't like it at First.
She has learned Over the last 13 years that We've Been Married that Nothing is to Good for "MY FISH".

But I've a Bit of an Edge that "MOST" Fishkeepers "MAY NOT".
And this is the Fact that My wife has 7 Pet Birds. 5- Budgies and 2- Sun Conures, Now don't Get me Wrong, I think of them as Part of OUR FAMILY as well as I do Our Son, And Would Never Think of Getting Rid of them...
In FACT if I had My Way We'd have More, I've also Got a Guinea Pig named "KING" he's My Baby.
My Son even griped about My Pump when I first Got it, I TOLD him Get Used to it, Or Go Sleep outside.
Now he Can't Sleep without the Noise Either.

But any who, When My wife Griped about the "PUMP" when I first Got It, I told her I Looked at It "THIS WAY".
If "WE" Can put up with the Birds Squawking, Then "THEY" can Put up with my Airpump. :/

After that One "STATEMENT" I've never heard another thing about my "AIRPUMP" Since... :rofl:

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