Fish Herder
This can be quite a complex area of keeping marines! Please make sure you read around this topic thoroughly and understand the impact that adding chemicals can have to your tank.
I liked to keep my magnesium slightly higher than that at about 1300 and calcium at about 480.
You are quite close to the Red Sea recommended levels for both. It may be worth noting that if your magnesium level is significantly low then you will find it impossible to raise the calcium level so always try and bring your Mg before Ca.
Also worth noting is NEVER try and raise levels too quickly - it is bad for your animals. Much better to try and do it in small jumps.
I always used dry chemicals to adjust my levels - but this is a little risky until you have some more experience.
If I were you I would try the seachem magnesium and then use Kalcwasser to increase you Ca. Don't dose at the same time of day (may be worth doing alternate days) and DRIP them VERY SLOWLY into a high flow area of your tank.(over as long a time period as you can manage)
Any questions then just ask
Cant find kalcwasser anywhere lol and this would be the magnesium Link?
i have plenty of drip lines as my girlfriends mum is a nurse lol. So i could do it over 12 hours easy if thats a preferable time frame?
edit: found KALKwasser Link