Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

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Some serious posting going on today :) woke upto 25 emails from tff :p I'll get me a lil cleaner shrimp tommorow then watch this space.

We are a chatty bunch.


Loves the chat :p learn so much from it!

Me too. :D

Currently reading my way through bournemans book, what a read! totally engroced. Nothing better than a social vodka and a good book!
Soo heres my new guy scarlet skunk cleaner aka Lysmata amboinensis (i think) he's of reasonable size and called jacques!


and acclimating


got some snails with him also :)

oh forgot i took a picture of my zoanthid looks like its open now?
you'll enjoy the shrimp they are cool and grow to a decent size as well, ive got one but want another, I had two in my last set up
They can be kept in groups from what I understand about that particular species.

Yes groups are brilliant - I had about 30 in mine and when they are in larger numbers they become much more bold. Every time I put my hand in the tank (even if there wasn't food in it!) They would come and sit on my hand and exhibit the usual cleaning behaviour that they do for fish - great fun and it really tickles!
Yes groups are brilliant - I had about 30 in mine and when they are in larger numbers they become much more bold. Every time I put my hand in the tank (even if there wasn't food in it!) They would come and sit on my hand and exhibit the usual cleaning behaviour that they do for fish - great fun and it really tickles!!!!!! :)
Feed them though. Mine stole food from a sun coral for a month. I almost lost that sun coral until I discovered what he was doing. He would steal right from the polyps.

They also get along ok with blood shrimps. But not with coral banded shrimp. The banded shrimp will fight with other Lysmata species and with each other as well, unless they are a mated pair, which I have.

Feed them though. Mine stole food from a sun coral for a month. I almost lost that sun coral until I discovered what he was doing. He would steal right from the polyps.

They also get along ok with blood shrimps. But not with coral banded shrimp. The banded shrimp will fight with other Lysmata species and with each other as well, unless they are a mated pair, which I have.

Did you see my zoa pic ? I thought u wanted to i.d them because u had a idea? Dont worry I got plenty of marine pellets and my clownfish never get all the flake and brineshrimp I put in :)
Feed them though. Mine stole food from a sun coral for a month. I almost lost that sun coral until I discovered what he was doing. He would steal right from the polyps.

They also get along ok with blood shrimps. But not with coral banded shrimp. The banded shrimp will fight with other Lysmata species and with each other as well, unless they are a mated pair, which I have.

Did you see my zoa pic ? I thought u wanted to i.d them because u had a idea? Dont worry I got plenty of marine pellets and my clownfish never get all the flake and brineshrimp I put in :)

Yes, I did. But do you know how many zoa kinds there are? I thought they were eagle eyes at first before they were opened, but they don't look it to me now. I've got true eagle eyes in a few tanks and once yours opened, I could see they weren't. I'll have a look when I have a break today.

so i did aload of testing today practicing with my new kits

shelf is getting more and more full :p

so test results came out at:
Temp - 25c
NH4 - 0 ppm
N02 - 0 ppm
N03 - 5 ppm
PH 8.2
KH 10.4
Sality 1.025
CA 380
P04 0.1
MG 1200

"red sea guide for soft corals, MG 1280, KG 8.2 dkh, CA 430"

theres the guide with the red sea test kit saying what i should have. So im under on some things so lets talk BUFFERS :)

heres a link to the site i usually use with a load of different additives Swell uk additives. Input needed please :)
edit: also found this red sea kit Foundation care, looks pretty good?
This can be quite a complex area of keeping marines! Please make sure you read around this topic thoroughly and understand the impact that adding chemicals can have to your tank.

I liked to keep my magnesium slightly higher than that at about 1300 and calcium at about 480.

You are quite close to the Red Sea recommended levels for both. It may be worth noting that if your magnesium level is significantly low then you will find it impossible to raise the calcium level so always try and bring your Mg before Ca.

Also worth noting is NEVER try and raise levels too quickly - it is bad for your animals. Much better to try and do it in small jumps.

I always used dry chemicals to adjust my levels - but this is a little risky until you have some more experience.

If I were you I would try the seachem magnesium and then use Kalcwasser to increase you Ca. Don't dose at the same time of day (may be worth doing alternate days) and DRIP them VERY SLOWLY into a high flow area of your tank.(over as long a time period as you can manage)

Any questions then just ask

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