Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

It ticks me off that I live in a country where nature is illegal..

my gubberment has decided back in the 1930's to make certain plants that grow all over the world without any help from "man" illegal..

It fooking pisses me off that my imperial federal gubberment think it has the authority to tell me what I can eat, drink and smoke.. futch that..
Yup, me again. So, I like to complain once in awhile.

I spray painted the back of my 46g last night...cue: Rookie Mistake.....I didn't factor in the insane humidity and morning dew. I woke up, applied second coat, and instantly ruined the whole thing. Now I have to scrape it all off and start over.

Sigh. Why do I have to be a doofus?
Well that sucks for you. But how'd you mess it up? Just wondering what actually happened. That might be good to know because I have a spraypainting business sooooo yeah.....

Today my rant is about plant watering. I've got 3 jobs and its taking me a half hour each on 2 ( bith oc these are for a week as well) and an hour on the third. I'm getting $30 on one that I'm doing every other day and $40 on the second which undoing everyday, and the lady that it's taking me an hour to do wants to only give me $20. She's also going to be gone for 2 weeks. I think $50 would be a little undercutting it but I guess I'd be satisfied but $20?? For 14 hours of my time? (1 hour every day for 2 weeks) I mean really? I'm not sure how to tell her I want more money for it though.... I mean they're in no means a poor family, so how should I go about this?
It was not dry because of the humidity, and add in the nice damp morning air, full of dew. Then spray paint on top of that :crazy: The paint crackled over the whole back!!!!! :shout: :shout:

To be fair. I have never used spray paint before. Next time, we paint in the evening and let it dry in the house. :p

Tell them exactly what you have just said. $20 for 14 hours of your time is not reasonable. Always best to spout things out respectfully, but HONESTLY :)
Yes that's the way to go. You can't paint on wet and if you spray it in direct sunlight the paint will formulate bubbles, just so you know. I'm sure it'll look nice once you're done though.

Ok will do thank you. When they get back I'll explain that it took me an hour a day and was a bit difficult and that I feel that $20 isn't very much for my efforts ;)
Just tested it, since it hasn't been very long it's scraping off really easy. I learned a good lesson. Shoulda taken my hubby's offer to help :lol:
lol my hubby isn't allowed to help. I turn into a 3 year old, "No! *I'm* doing it!

Unless there's heavy lifting involved that is... :p
Same with me. I was painting a mailbox and my dad was like "lemme help you so we can get it done faster" then I said no I want to do it! Then he started doing it then I went and stole the paint from him until he left :rolleyes:
I spray painted the back of my 46g last night...cue: Rookie Mistake.....I didn't factor in the insane humidity and morning dew. I woke up, applied second coat, and instantly ruined the whole thing. Now I have to scrape it all off and start over.

when i paint glass i don't use spray paint i use a sponge and enamel paint. also, i clean the surface with isopropyl alcohol prior to painting.
Ya I'll rant bout some thing

I love how me and my dad are standing in line and this lady comes up cuts in front of us, my dad tells her we are in line she looks at us and totally ignores us and continues to order her food
I hate the fact that my car has been damaged at work for the second time since I got it! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

The first time, it was only 5 weeks old! Even now it's only 7 months old.

The other annoying thing is, they must know they're doing it but just not saying anything!!!!!!!

If I find out who it is, I swear to god...............
There's CCTV on the corners of the factory building but other parts of the building kind of get in the way of the car park.
Just a quick rant ... I'm paging through a magazine and come across an ad for some drug company ... and it's 4 pages long!! The first page of the ad has some nice photo of a healthy person, then the next 3 pages are devoted to all the warnings for the drug! Shouldn't your doctor be telling you about all these things instead of subjecting the whole world to page after page of the risks of taking the darn drug? Sheesh.

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