Ooooo I have a MASSIVE rant to get off my chest.
I posted some snails and a young marbled bristle nose off to a friend in a post pack that is supposed to be gaurenteed next day delivery. Well that was early Tuesday and after watching the mail tracker like a hawke for the past todays, the parcel finally turned up in the town but spent the entire day being carted all over the country side in a delivery van. Just now I checked the tracking number again and right when there is mere minutes to the post office closing, the (ah heck clean words fail me at the mo) #$@*&%^%&^ have now said they tried to deliver the parcel (which they haven't my friend has been home all day waiting for her parcel) and the parcel is now damaged.
I am ropable to say the least. Not only is the delivery a day late now they are going to want to send me back most likely dead fish and snails.
I posted some snails and a young marbled bristle nose off to a friend in a post pack that is supposed to be gaurenteed next day delivery. Well that was early Tuesday and after watching the mail tracker like a hawke for the past todays, the parcel finally turned up in the town but spent the entire day being carted all over the country side in a delivery van. Just now I checked the tracking number again and right when there is mere minutes to the post office closing, the (ah heck clean words fail me at the mo) #$@*&%^%&^ have now said they tried to deliver the parcel (which they haven't my friend has been home all day waiting for her parcel) and the parcel is now damaged.