The word 'bored'
I hate it. Absolutely despise the word. I hate the kids using the word and especially hate full grown adults use it. I think its a made up thing. There is no such emotion as boredom is there? If there is then I've certainly never experienced this feeling.
Surely there are better words someone can use to express themselves. I don't believe I'm a person who uses big or fancy words and I left school with very little education and only really learned to read and write when my oldest child was learning to read and write at school so I believe I'd be way behind in terms academics so I believe there really are no excuses for using this word.
Sorry to generalise, but when an adult says they are bored, I think they are stupid. If you are bored, pick up a book, read, internet, learn about the world around you. Develope yourself.
When a child says they are bored, they need to be taught that they live an awesome World, there is so much to learn, and they need to engage themselves in something, no matter how young they are.
Sometimes, I have this state of feeling tired and not being up for anything at all. It overlaps with laziness, but it is usually as a result of not being able to choose what to do and the feeling that I cannot do something right.
For example: yesterday, I had no internet (rant to follow) and I had so many things I could have done for that project I have to work on. Yet, I started with the 3D modeling and then didn't have the will to continue fixing the edge loops so I stopped. Moved on to working on that song on FL. Some progress, but could have been better. Too lazy to do more than that.
Reading books won't work as I've read pretty much every book in my mini-library and reading them twice loses its charm.
Internet - was not available.
Watching fish - worked for a while, but then it got boring when they went to sleep.
Going outside - HECK NO! Too hot out there and at night I don't really want to go alone since no one was up for going with me.
Continue writing on that story I'm working on - not enough ideas. Didn't feel like it.
I just don't know if that is the feeling of boredom, laziness or just plain loss of will. Wait... I have no will anyway.
Now for the internet rant:
Yesterday morning, some cable and internet company phoned us, asking us if we want free internet from them but with a crappy modem. Dad will probably sign up for it but I told him that if he does take that offer, he has to use it on one of my comps that are up in the attic, not on my new comp.
I hate modems.
Then I turn on the pc, only to find out that my internet is not working. Today I find out that the other company cut my internet cable, in an attempt to make us move to them. (it isn't the first time this has happened, when 2 ISPs are fighting over the hood...)
Romania has fast internet, just not reliable when so many conflicts come in.