And Portugal Are Through...

oops, seemed to have started a United Kingdom civil war :/

Let's stop getting so patriotic..

..I admit England's full of new housing estates and litter, but that's only because no-one wants to live in Wales. And the Scottish, you're a beautiful bunch of people, who cares about old wars and that, it don't matter anymore! We live next to each other, so why be against each other?

I really don't see the problem in supporting Scotland if they had the luck England had this year in the World Cup.

After calming down and drinking some water, I've realised England and Portugal were too evenly matched, the referee's decisions are made purely as he can see them, justy because he's argentinian doesn't mean he's going to hate the English team, that's ridiculous.
In fairness Dany, different areas of England have different cultures, different personalities, and different attitudes. I find (not just because i live here) that north England is much more friendly, and much happier than the south.
Im sure you would agree that there is some culture differences between North and South Wales? I find south Wales to be more accomodating that the North.
And in Scotland, there is a lot of difference, and indeed rivalry, between the East and West coasts ( i prefer the East coast, Dundee is cool :good: ).
The scots or Celts as they were at that time, were a little savage for the Romans i think, or more, they couldn't control them, lol hence the wall. When the romans arrived the English was already a nation of uncivilised, and unorgansised mongrels, bit of Celt, bit of saxon, bit of viking, bit of any other race that landed, and for some odd reason, decided to settle here, so the romans marched through us easily, then built a wall to keep the scots at bay.

As far as im aware, it was indeed york.. they turned back because they had too i believe, because the english army sailed up the coast and landed behind them, trying to pincer them i guess or trying to invade while no-one was home, lol.. when the battle ensued, it seemed the english king of the time had managed to bribe most of the clan leaders not to fight, so it was a very one sided battle
Well researched that man, you are absolutely right!!

The romans didn't care for us much because, as you rightly said, they couldn't control us. Not many people could, thats why the Scottish regiments were always first into the battle, all the way up to the modern day.
They don't know the secret is to give us some Tennents or Irn Bru, then we are pussycats :lol:
This year, England have played crap in every game, apart from this one, they tried hard but it's only because they got forced to by Portugal, personally I thought we would of been out earlier seeing the performances of the first few matches, especially crouches many mistakes! England deffinately deserved to win today though, and I feel so sorry for Lampard with all the near-misses he's had, he deserves a goal! Christiano Ronaldo was being an absolute bugger (I would of used a more sinister word, but seeing as it's a family friendly forum I won't), he was diving everywhere to see if he could get a free kick, I personally am a Man United supporter, and I hope that when he returns to Man Utd, he gets a headbutt from Rooney. He thinks he's something he's not, and everyones saying again, like two years ago: "I wonder if Rooney didn't get carded we would of won", it's just one huge debate. England really did play hard today, even though they have been playing very poor since the start. Crouch can't header a ball to save his life, well tell a lie, he did score a good header against the Paraguay goalkeeper. He had a great chance today, but he tried to climb onto a player when he didn't need to, he's was tall enough to header it, and he just totally ruined it. Anyway, enough of the flaming/praise. Feel free to comment on my post, but this is just how I feel and it's totally my opinion and not influenced by anyone else.

your right there Neal - England FC's luck ran out. Personally, it think it's down to tactics, long ball with Peter (bambi on ice) crouch has never looked good, and only worked with luck. Scoring one and sitting on it, is ok if the team is good enough to sit on it - which were not.
England try to play continental football, but the only problem with that is - were not continental, and only 2 of our squad play abroad. The English team, should play English football, it's what they play week in week out for the rest of the year. Im sure they would have more chance playing what they know, than what they've had to learn in 6 weeks or so, besides isn't fast flowing English football the reason it's supposed to be one of the best leagues in the world? Clubs pay some rediculous prices for questionable players (like the one mentioned above) in our leagues..

anyways, back to the topic, to be honest, i wish the Portugese luck against the Brazilians (shouldn't count chickens i know, but come's brazil, lol) it would be nice to see someone else win :)
Would make for an interesting newsletter

Please don't tell the score... I'm recording it for later :(
nooooo!! Brazils out!

I really didnt want france to win! (too arrogant)

Its true about england. They say "We're great" "Were gonna win" "Come on england"

Then they lose... It ruins it.

Semi Finals-

Germany vs Italy
Portugal vs France

Who i think will win are in bold
Well I don't get the scottish and welsh attitude at all, never have. I'm english and I always support the home countries whenever they are playing anyone except england. Over the last few years I'm getting sick of it though, I beginning to think the same way about the scots and the welsh as they think about us - and I live on the welsh borders.
welli think the england supporters were amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
they kept the hope up.
but if england were to win they needed to do it in time and extra time, they were never going to win without beckham and rooney with penalties!

no-one wants to live in Wales

thats because everybody wants to live in a graffitied industrialized area where theses rape and kidnappings and allsorts everyday. where theres 12 year olds throwing bricks through your windows and smoking and drugs seem to be so common you cant leave your kids outside because there are needles scattered all over your back lawn.
that sounds a really nice place to live that....
You obviosuly havn't visited the Shires..

..You really think all of our country is like that?

..Educate yourself woman!

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