And Portugal Are Through...

meh, come across far too much of this "my country's better than yours" attitude on the internet, something to do with insecurity im sure. i myself have no problem with scots, i think scotland is beautiful and my brother actually lives in scotland with his scottish wife. welsh are a bit weird tho :p

nah just kidding, where would all the caravans go without wales? :D

id be fully behind scotland too if they were in the world cup and we were out, dont quite understand some of the attitude in this thread. perhaps it is jealousy.

on topic, i thought we deserved todays game, we held them with 10 men for an hour and had some good chances. i doubt we would have lived passed the semis though. ahwell, roll on euro 2008
Being an avid football supporter I watch the modern game with dismay and anger. I feel that it is being ruined by cheats who go to ground at the slightest opportunity. Whilst I do not know the solutition to this trend, something needs to be done, urgently. The paying public will not put up with watching overpaid theatricials for much longer. It will come to a head soon. I am of the opinion that if someone dives for no reason then why not kick them in the Boll***s for doing so. Simply watch old archive footage of stars of yesteryear who rode hard tackles, they didn't fall over at the slighest whiff of their opponents body odour.
FIFA are making a big hurrah about fair play, don't make me laugh.
Sorry for the rant.
Being an avid football supporter I watch the modern game with dismay and anger. I feel that it is being ruined by cheats who go to ground at the slightest opportunity. Whilst I do not know the solutition to this trend, something needs to be done, urgently. The paying public will not put up with watching overpaid theatricials for much longer. It will come to a head soon. I am of the opinion that if someone dives for no reason then why not kick them in the Boll***s for doing so. Simply watch old archive footage of stars of yesteryear who rode hard tackles, they didn't fall over at the slighest whiff of their opponents body odour.
FIFA are making a big hurrah about fair play, don't make me laugh.
Sorry for the rant.

i completely agree!

bloody theatrical acting! Slightest touch and their down these days.
no-one wants to live in Wales

thats because everybody wants to live in a graffitied industrialized area where theses rape and kidnappings and allsorts everyday. where theres 12 year olds throwing bricks through your windows and smoking and drugs seem to be so common you cant leave your kids outside because there are needles scattered all over your back lawn.
that sounds a really nice place to live that....

lol ever heard of the yorkshire dales?
A player gets knocked slightly, he goes down with a 360 degree turn a few rolls and then maybe a couple of backflips before grabbing his leg.
All of his team mates surround the ref demanding a red card :rolleyes:


A player gets tackled fairly, he does the usual routine of a few roles flips and twists and stays down as the opposition break away outnumbering the defense. The attacking team are expected to kick the ball out and surrender their oppurtunity of a good counter attack. As soon as the ball is kicked out the 'injured' player is back up on his feet running back into position. His teammate knocks the ball back to the opposition tactictally by aiming for the line before the corner flag.

We are seeing too much of these dirty tactics in football an the game is turning ugly. I've never really been interested in Rugby before but you have to admire the players love and honesty to sport. The girls of football should watch the real men of rugby an learn a few things.

Damn, why does the rest of britain hate england so much....? We have much love for our inferior neighbours.

The facts are straight though, It's the press who do the talking up not the fans!
I'm still chuckling about Adrian's wall.

Incidentally, I thought England were crap and *I* want to live in Wales, we've been looking for a small holding or property with a bit of land, in or near a small town, close to the sea with mountain views etc, you know, what everyone wants :) I'd settle for a cottage and a forest but hey, we're still looking, there doesn't seem to be that much around.
australia got knocked out by italy :-( . that match was sooooo sad to watch heartborken in the last seconds of the game :-( :-( . dam referee. they favour teams vs australia especially wen aus vs croatia
Being an avid football supporter I watch the modern game with dismay and anger. I feel that it is being ruined by cheats who go to ground at the slightest opportunity. Whilst I do not know the solutition to this trend, something needs to be done, urgently. The paying public will not put up with watching overpaid theatricials for much longer. It will come to a head soon. I am of the opinion that if someone dives for no reason then why not kick them in the Boll***s for doing so. Simply watch old archive footage of stars of yesteryear who rode hard tackles, they didn't fall over at the slighest whiff of their opponents body odour.
FIFA are making a big hurrah about fair play, don't make me laugh.
Sorry for the rant.
Do the Rugby thing (originally in League).

Have a citation committee to watch a game after it was played with access to replays and camera angles; where it is shown that the player was "simulating", give him a 3 month ban. That will make them think twice before going to ground without contact.

Also, get the refs to card every person who gets in their face (be it for the past yellow, or requesting a card of other players).

Get the respect for the officials back, and stop the diving. Then a number of previous fans (such as myself) may start to watch it a bit more. Until then, I shall leave the girls to play with the round ball. Far too much drama queen antics in it for my liking these days.

And if you think the scots/welsh are a bit neurotic over the English wendyball team, wait until you talk to them about the rugby team; most welshmen foam at the mouth at the prospect of supporting the English rugby team (which is why it was sooo nice to see the press and media full of coverage of the '03 victory B) )
Why is this in Tropical Chit Chat?
you should also ask yourself:
why would someone from the TFF newsletter team start this topic on Tropical Chit Chat?

its not like Paul played footy on saturday for his local team and he tellin us about it.

its a big thing the whole country was involved in and i dont think 1 post will kill ya or damage the forum in anyway.
Why is this in Tropical Chit Chat?
you should also ask yourself:
why would someone from the TFF newsletter team start this topic on Tropical Chit Chat?

its not like Paul played footy on saturday for his local team and he tellin us about it.

its a big thing the whole country was involved in and i dont think 1 post will kill ya or damage the forum in anyway.

i agree.

oops, seemed to have started a United Kingdom civil war :/
should you add the topic on the TFF newsletter as well??
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Why is this in Tropical Chit Chat?
you should also ask yourself:
why would someone from the TFF newsletter team start this topic on Tropical Chit Chat?
why does being on the tff newsletter yeam make him special, it really doesnt we have nothing extra that only we have apart from 1 forum and our own external forum, we are just normal members that produce a newsletter

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