And Portugal Are Through...

I really don't understand why the Scottish and Welsh don't seem too happy with England getting so far, I mean, just because you failed so early on in the tournament doesn't mean you can disgard your neighbours. Cheer England on for gods sake! they'll make you closest to winning the world cup than your own teams! :p
Like alan hansen said on chris moyles, its the old england scotland thing, you quite like us and we hate you!!
Try living with a biased media and months of we are going to win the cup at every tournament and you would maybe understand why we don't support you.
Would you support the local rival to your club, I would hazard a guess that you'd rather support their opposition, no?

england played fantastic this all comes down to the fact that the ref was argentinian (sp) and they hate england not one decision went our way and i would be quite happy to see his head on a stick
Another reason we don't want england to win anything. You always say you will win the tournament, but when you don't, its always someone elses fault :lol:

:good: well said AA

Like alan hansen said on chris moyles, its the old england scotland thing, you quite like us and we hate you!!
Try living with a biased media and months of we are going to win the cup at every tournament and you would maybe understand why we don't support you.


Like alan hansen said on chris moyles, its the old england scotland thing, you quite like us and we hate you!!
Try living with a biased media and months of we are going to win the cup at every tournament and you would maybe understand why we don't support you.


scotland has not even left home!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
and Scotland were where in this tournament? :dunno: Scotlands FIFA ranking is? :dunno: Jealously will get you no-where highlanders! :no:
We are crap, we know we are, we don't mouth off that we are going to win every tournament we are in, we laugh at you coming home empty handed AGAIN


Like alan hansen said on chris moyles, its the old england scotland thing, you quite like us and we hate you!!
Try living with a biased media and months of we are going to win the cup at every tournament and you would maybe understand why we don't support you.


scotland has not even left home!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
We did, we went to Japan and won the tournament we were in!!
Haven't you heard of the Kirin cup? :rolleyes:
Like alan hansen said on chris moyles, its the old england scotland thing, you quite like us and we hate you!!
its true, if portugal and france (example) were playing i really woudnt care who won, but if its england and ANYBODY that compleatly gives another reason to support the opposing team.
I really don't understand why the Scottish and Welsh don't seem too happy with England getting so far, I mean, just because you failed so early on in the tournament doesn't mean you can disgard your neighbours. Cheer England on for gods sake! they'll make you closest to winning the world cup than your own teams!
id rather drink toilet water,

can i have ask how many welsh/scottish people support england? just curious.
Personally, i didnt expect us to get past the quarters - we havent in years, and probably won't for a while to come. In fairness, it's not so much the people of England that expected such fantastic things - it was the tabloids, but they have done, and doubtlessly will continue too, Inflate, exagerate, and blow any story completely out of proportion (unless its about one of their sponsors of course).

Edit : Can anyone actually remember when a NEWS-paper actually printed news, and not propaganda? lol hmm...
can i have ask how many welsh/scottish people support england? just curious.
Apparently 2/3 of scottish people wanted england to do well, I don't know which people they interviewed, but no-one I know was supporting them!!

Personally I'd never support any other country apart from my own, its jsut wrong to do so, unless they are playing england of course!!
aslong as rooney gets crucified like beckam did when he was sent off that time then im not THAT fussed.

would of liked em to get further but im not like some of the nuts i jus drove past outside pubs lol.
lets just face it scotland are jealous of us, it goes all the way back in history we beat you in every war we ever had then when you did beat us you wrote a million songs about it
lets just face it scotland are jealous of us, it goes all the way back in history we beat you in every war we ever had then when you did beat us you wrote a million songs about it
Absolutely right that englishman, we are SO jealous of you we spend every waking hour planning ways to get back at you, we even send our best people to infiltrate your society and govern your country!! We have even invented so many things to make your life better, because we are so jealous of your country!!

What you say didn't make sense, you beat us in every war, but when we won we wrote songs about it. How could we if we never won any wars against you?

And you wonder why we don't want you to win anything :rolleyes:
thats not strictly true, Eng - Scot wars ended through compromises, marriages or general backstabbery usually. James, i think 6 of Scot, was also James 1st or 2nd of England, due to marriage to.. someone?? anyways, he ended up ruling both nations, and thus peace, however cagey, was born.

Mid you, a bloke called Adrian decided to make a wall to keep them out, so he must have been scared of something, lol

Historically, Scotlands problem was the clans were forever fighting each other. If they had compromised, and stopped trying to backstab each other, and fought as one nation, then perhaps things would have been very different...
thats not strictly true, Eng - Scot wars ended through compromises, marriages or general backstabbery usually. James, i think 6 of Scot, was also James 1st or 2nd of England, due to marriage to.. someone?? anyways, he ended up ruling both nations, and thus peace, however cagey, was born.

Mid you, a bloke called Adrian decided to make a wall to keep them out, so he must have been scared of something, lol

Historically, Scotlands problem was the clans were forever fighting each other. If they had compromised, and stopped trying to backstab each other, and fought as one nation, then perhaps things would have been very different...
Hadrian was a Roman emperor, who after trying to conquer the Scots and failing, built a wall to keep us out of his empire!!

We did fight as one nation once, and got down as far as york, I think, before we were persuaded/bribed to turn back. I'm not sure, but I think we went back of our own accord.
lets just face it scotland are jealous of us, it goes all the way back in history we beat you in every war we ever had then when you did beat us you wrote a million songs about it
also remember that england is inhabited with a HUGE amount more people than scotland, i dont think that the numbers in battle were counted out to make it fair. do you?
The scots or Celts as they were at that time, were a little savage for the Romans i think, or more, they couldn't control them, lol hence the wall. When the romans arrived the English was already a nation of uncivilised, and unorgansised mongrels, bit of Celt, bit of saxon, bit of viking, bit of any other race that landed, and for some odd reason, decided to settle here, so the romans marched through us easily, then built a wall to keep the scots at bay.

As far as im aware, it was indeed york.. they turned back because they had too i believe, because the english army sailed up the coast and landed behind them, trying to pincer them i guess or trying to invade while no-one was home, lol.. when the battle ensued, it seemed the english king of the time had managed to bribe most of the clan leaders not to fight, so it was a very one sided battle

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