AM I too easily offended ?

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opcn said:
Mr.V it may be a good idea for you to branch out into emotocons and mabey add a note to your signature that tells us all about you lack of small talk.

But there is already: * Evil-minded, wicked, truly bad boy * :lol:

And what comes smilies, I use them but only when they are needed. I hate reading forums where is only smilies after smilies and the whole forum look likes x-mast tree - you know...

P.S. expletives are used alot in the english languadge you should try and work them in just to fit in IMHO

Some of my friend told me once, that it's always difficult to send mail to people who talk english, because in a business letters, you need to use those expletives a lot. Otherwise they get this expression that you are rude -_- But they really cannot understand it, that for us it is unnatural and sounds more "funny" and theatrical - like a drama :lol: - when using those "polite" (hmm, polite? well, expletives) words in every sentence. She was amusing when she told me and joking alittle bit, that countries where is spoken english you need whole letter to say one thing unlike we say it in one sentence. :p

I think some Californian wrote it well (quotation "Here are grim-faced men and women..." :lol:

Yes, we are totally hopeless...
c1tyfc said:
Second I ask you to test your water and tell you, that goldfish need good care and pure water.

I'm not an expert, but I doubt any creature could live in PURE water. It would lack everything except wetness wouldn't it?

But it wouldn't conduct electricity, good for faulty filters etc..

Pure meaning fresh and clean...

"AM I too easily offended?"

You can call me anything you like or disagree with me about everything, I don't offended it at all! I prob. take it like a challenge. :lol: Try me!
c1tyfc said:
....Julia, I think the topic you were talkin in, regarding Eels, Oscars etc was a no win from the start. The topic starter IMHO was on a very different agenda from the one he/she was receiving answers for.
After reading the post, I totally agree. The person had an Oscar in a 30 and was trying to find the largest eel possible, dismissing anything under 20 inches. Good thing we have our priorities straight :/

**Enter Soapbox**
I don't understand people buying a fish that they will get a bigger tank for eventually...I see the value of a grow out tank, but wouldn't you all agree that the point of a grow out tank is to prepare a fish for one of your other tanks and not the one you plan to get. I mean, I plan to get new tanks all day long, but I'm not stocking fish in 10 gallons untill I can afford the proper size :dunno:
**Exit soapbox (stage left ):fun: **
"The climate is severe; there is scarcely any spring or autumn, but there are nine months of winter in the year... The people ... live to a good old age when they do not undermine their constitutions by the abuse of strong drink..."
Voltaire Histoire de Charles XII (description of Sweden and Finland)

Might explain a lot :lol:
Well said Sorrell, That is all that needed to be said from the start.

But i easily get side tracked and dragged into amusing banter :lol:
c1tyfc said:
....But i easily get side tracked and dragged into amusing banter :lol:
Unfortunately, we all seem to do that on occasion! ;) But it's usually not a good thing.

I've let this thread wander because the problem has been addressed and you seemed to be talking through other things that were worthwhile to get out. But think how it would have been if this thread was written by someone who had a serious problem. Their trouble might never have been given the attention it truly deserved. :eek: That would have been a real shame.

How would you feel if you had a sick fish and members were going off topic and joking with each other? This does happen................ :-(

Now folks, let me introduce MrV. He's been participating on this forum for a long time and is one of the most knowledgeable members here. However he speaks our language, I would trust his advice above that of almost anyone else's. He is also a good sport. :clap:

Actually, everyone who has posted here has shown themselves to be kind and the sort of person who makes this forum a great place. We are the friendliest forum around! :D
Inchworm said:
c1tyfc said:
....But i easily get side tracked and dragged into amusing banter  :lol:
Unfortunately, we all seem to do that on occasion! ;) But it's usually not a good thing.

I've let this thread wander because the problem has been addressed and you seemed to be talking through other things that were worthwhile to get out. But think how it would have been if this thread was written by someone who had a serious problem. Their trouble might never have been given the attention it truly deserved. :eek: That would have been a real shame.

How would you feel if you had a sick fish and members were going off topic and joking with each other? This does happen................ :-(

Now folks, let me introduce MrV. He's been participating on this forum for a long time and is one of the most knowledgeable members here. However he speaks our language, I would trust his advice above that of almost anyone else's. He is also a good sport. :clap:

Actually, everyone who has posted here has shown themselves to be kind and the sort of person who makes this forum a great place. We are the friendliest forum around! :D
i love the fact that there are some finns on this board. i think mr.v's usage of english bears no translation, ...receiving transmission crystal clear...kiitos ;)
[off topic]
c1tyfc said:
I have a goldfish in just under 100 Litres...

I just remembered... I think this will give you something for considering when thinking about goldfishes. 100 liters and that fish? No way... Unfortunately many goldfishes die too early when they are just tinies and people don't realise it. They just buy new fish. [/off topic]

PS. Inch and bkk :*)
-_- Whoops, stired up a bit of a hornets nest didn't I ? I just think the Forum is all about giving and taking friendly FISHY advice, if someone wants to keep fish in an unsuitable enviroment thats not his porogotive its a welfare issue. It just dam well annoys me that some people dont think of fish as something that deserves the same respect as a dog or cat ect & and no I am not a hippy/new age veggie!!!!!!!! I just love fish. If we are to justify fish being imported from the wild , shipped thousands of miles and dumped into an unfamiliar enviroment, the least we can do is make their home as pleasant as possible. anyhow nuf said, I'll get off my soap box now !!!!!!! HAPPY FISH KEEPING.
PS thankyou for the pms you nice people :wub: :wub:

I love this thread. Especially the "if you don't know how, don't speak at all". You see, its easy to be rude. Much harder to be nice (even to those rude and grim-faced people).

And well, I'm not good at expletives either, maybe I should add a handicapped Finn -tag to my sig too ;)

It's always good to read and then reread your answer, even if youre a native speaker. And even if you are answering to a rude post.

There is this old saying that my mother used to annoy me with "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", as I have reached adulthood I have learned the value of that in many situations. In many of the topics I have read on this forum that would be a word of wisdom for people. People post things on the forums to get help or advice, if one of those two things are not your goal maybe you should just pass on posting. Obviously Julia thought she was providing a helpful and constructive reply to what was being discussed.

Hopefully I haven't offended anyone or made any enemies by saying this! :crazy:

By the way I love having people from different countries post because I can learn so much from them.
at the end of the day its a discussion forum for giving opinions and advice. if someone gives an opinion you dont like...SO WHAT? its hardly a personal attack as not many people actually know one another. I wouldnt take it to heart.

its words on a screen. nothing more nothing less. a great way to get information and give your opinion or your experiences but remember..ITS NOT REAL LIFE.

I have seen first hand how people dont like it if you say stuff they dont like and they even become bitter about it.. thats just pathetic IMO.
I have seen first hand how people dont like it if you say stuff they dont like and they even become bitter about it.. thats just pathetic

You have to remember that many of us have sort of formed a "friendship" or a "bond" because of our love for fish. This is a place where I can come and read others thoughts and feelings. We expect Respect and Compassion on this forum and most of the time we do receive it.
To me it isn't just:

words on a screen. nothing more nothing less. a great way to get information and give your opinion or your experiences but remember..ITS NOT REAL LIFE.

I have come to enjoy my time on this forum very much. I enjoy viewing and reading certain people's posts and I know that if I need help or advice that has to do with one of my most precious and favorite hobbies: FISH KEEPING......I know I can come here and others will help me and make me feel confident.

I appreciate everything everyone has done for me here and I don't think it is just so "black and white" like you seem to think Krib Mate.....
.....wait a year or two and the people here will feel somewhat like your "aquatic family" too!!! :sly: :eek: :wub: :*)

i appreciate that..i am a member of lots of forums and i considder them good friends. i also appreciate everything is not black and white but i also firmly believe that if something is clearly wrong it should be pointed out without the fear of getting a load of abuse for my comments.
You're right!! You should be able to point things out to people, but I think that I personally would prefer a PM rather than a humiliating Topic started about myself.

I think we are both off topic here.

you did stray away from the topic, but it was with good intentions. I know first hand that when someone says something negative about your tank, it's not an easy pill to swallow, doesn't go down right ;) The person you were replying to, or about, probably saw your comment as negative, even though you may have truly just been trying to help. I wouldn't worry about it ;) As would I not worry about it if I were the other person either. ;) It's easy to get a little too involved sometimes............. I'm famous for it :X :eek: Did I just admit to that :huh: :no: :rofl:

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