Algae Problem New To Site Help


New Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hello everyone

I am new to this site but i wouldn't say i'm completly new to having a fish tank...Right now i have a 48x18x25 tank (90ish gallons)... i have 2 pearl gouramis, 4 honey gouramis, 4 black skirt tetras, 6 neon tetras,4 rainbow peacocks, 3 clown loachs, and 1 sail fin pleco (roughly 6inchs) i keep the light on for only roughly 7 hours a day... the tank is close to a window and is the only place i can fit it even though the curtains are always closed... algae seems to just not stop growing and the pleco is always either hiding behind a log or beside the filter seems to never clean the rest of the tank!!! i was thinking of getting him some help would another pleco be wise?? or amano shrimp would they be eaten from what i heard if they are big enough the will be left alone...
Hello everyone

I am new to this site but i wouldn't say i'm completly new to having a fish tank...Right now i have a 48x18x25 tank (90ish gallons)... i have 2 pearl gouramis, 4 honey gouramis, 4 black skirt tetras, 6 neon tetras,4 rainbow peacocks, 3 clown loachs, and 1 sail fin pleco (roughly 6inchs) i keep the light on for only roughly 7 hours a day... the tank is close to a window and is the only place i can fit it even though the curtains are always closed... algae seems to just not stop growing and the pleco is always either hiding behind a log or beside the filter seems to never clean the rest of the tank!!! i was thinking of getting him some help would another pleco be wise?? or amano shrimp would they be eaten from what i heard if they are big enough the will be left alone...

:hi: to TFF!

Do you have any live plants in the tank?

even with the curtains closed, there can be some natural light coming in which could aid in the growth of algae.

Hey thanks for the welcome!!

No I don't have live plants anymore I used to but i found them to just grow out of control on me and i just didn't have the time or patience to really take care ofthem properly so i'm in the process of trying to find some fake ones i actually like. but it seems when i do my weekly water change i'm scrubbing the sides of the takes to get green brown , and this kind of grey looks almost fury algae? while my pleco just hangs out under the log
Hey thanks for the welcome!!

No I don't have live plants anymore I used to but i found them to just grow out of control on me and i just didn't have the time or patience to really take care ofthem properly so i'm in the process of trying to find some fake ones i actually like. but it seems when i do my weekly water change i'm scrubbing the sides of the takes to get green brown , and this kind of grey looks almost fury algae? while my pleco just hangs out under the log

Algae needs two things to grow, 1. Ammonia, 2. Light.

Question Did you have any algae growth when you had live plants in the tank?

Question: How long ago have you had the live plants in the tank? A couple days, couple weeks, couple months?

Question Even with the curtains closed, is there still any natural sunlight hitting the tank at all?

I am not an expert on algae yet, but it sounds like either your tank is getting natural sunlight, which will lead algae growth, or there is still something in the tank from when you had plants.

Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

There are numerous causes of algae. The potential for direct sunlight could be an issue. That will definitely cause green water. Hve a look at the thread below, post 6 from nmonks in particular. It gives causes for certain types of algae such as "green algae bright light without enough plants". That may shed some light on your problem.
thanks for that link it really helped... and to answer your questions... i didn't have as much algae when i had the live plants in there from what i remember... and not alot of sunlight hits the tanks, and i took the majority of my plants out a couple of months ago i'd say but i had java moss in there until just recently when i got so tired of pruning it every week was just out of control so i just ripped it out :crazy:

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