Albino Cory Replacement Sand

This is all completely normal, the cloudiness I mean.  I have done this so many times, and some tanks clear in a few days, others less or more.  I had one that took weeks.  Keep in mind that though unsightly for you to look at, it is not harming the fish (assuming the normal cloudiness from sand or bacteria or both).  Test ammonia and nitrite to ensure these do not rise above zero.
well under the assumption that my old filter media is doing its job, it shouldnt rise correct?
BaylorPerez said:
well under the assumption that my old filter media is doing its job, it shouldnt rise correct?
You could rinse the filter media in a bucket of tank water, not tap water here, just to "clean" it.  When media gets clogged, it stops doing its job and water usually manages to "get past" the media without being cleaned.
Assuming i am able to get 4 more albino corys(bottom dwellers) to go within my tank with my snails(current count at 3, 2 mystery and 1 nerite snail baby(3-4 weeks old as of now)), I am thinking of getting a couple of loaches(if i have enough tank space), or getting some bettas to put in with the corys(let me know if this is a good idea
BaylorPerez said:
Assuming i am able to get 4 more albino corys(bottom dwellers) to go within my tank with my snails(current count at 3, 2 mystery and 1 nerite snail baby(3-4 weeks old as of now)), I am thinking of getting a couple of loaches(if i have enough tank space), or getting some bettas to put in with the corys(let me know if this is a good idea
What do you mean by "some bettas"?? A sorority of females?? This would require a lot of reading on your part, as these are hard to manage, and I don't think your current tanks are big enough for a proper sorority either. I would reconsider loaches, solely because they are bottom dwellers like cories, and you will want some mid-level swimmers.
I agree with jag51186 that combining other substrate fish (= loaches) with corys is not a good idea.  The corys might not have too much problem from their perspective, but the other fish (loaches) probably would, as you are dealing with very different temperaments.  Loaches in general are hierarchical shoaling  fish, meaning that they live in groups and form an hierarchy within the group, and they are territorial (corys are not) so any intruder into "their space" is usually not welcomed.
Most loach species get a decent size and as they need a group (they are highly social fish) this means lots of space for individual territories.  You have two 20g tanks now, and are thinking of a 55g (from your other threads); the 20g are not suitable for loaches (other than the kuhlii type, and perhaps the hillstream type, though these latter require very specialized aquascapes), but the 55g might suit some loach species but again I would not include corys.  Some of the common loaches in the genus Botia canget large, easily up to a foot and more, so if these are considered on their own when the 55g is in place, species have to be carefully selected.
Betta fish were mentioned...this is not a community fish, and will always be better on its own (male), or in a sorority which is another issue as jag mentioned.
like as im thinking, i would want to add some color to my tank as it(as having white fish is getting kinda boring to look at), and im not really wanting some danios/tetras to be in the same tank as ive had issues with them dying off and i dont want the ammonia/nitrate levels to sky rocket. 
So thats why im asking and as for the betta, i have plenty of hiding spaces for it, even if it would get aggressive i would put it in the medical tank for a temporary housing until the rest of my danios and neon tetras die(my other 20 Gal tank).
i would put it in the medical tank for a temporary housing until the rest of my danios and neon tetras die(my other 20 Gal tank).
You do realize this could take 2 or more years with proper care? Unless you are suggesting that you wont care for them in which case they will have a slow agonizing death.
It is the betta that decides if it has tank mates or not, Some bettas are fine with tank mates, others are not and they will do one of 2 things usually.
1 They will hunt down and kill all tank mates.
2 They will became withdrawn and stressed, Resulting in fin biting ETC, If you think you are having issues now with fish wait till you get a betta that fin bites and with poor water quality gets fin rot.
When you have tank mates with a betta you need to be able to rehouse the tank mates as soon as you see stalking behavior or fish will die. Just because a betta tolerates tank mates today don't mean the same will apply tomorrow.
I have a betta that was fine with tank mates for months then one day it snapped and with in an hour killed 2 rasboras and was stalking a third. Bettas do not like or need tank mates they prefer to be alone. 
alright, well for corys(snails as well) what tank mates you would prefer be put in with them? (tetras and danios are ones i wont put in with them)

as well as for the danios/tetras what medicine would you reccomend that wont kill them off if i add it to the tank(i am unsure of what meds could help out with these red gills anymore
as well as for the danios/tetras what medicine would you reccomend that wont kill them off if i add it to the tank(i am unsure of what meds could help out with these red gills anymore
A cycled tank with lots of clean warm water.
I have been following your posts and IMO your tanks are a mess and your fish are dieing because of it, You need to sort this out. Catch the fish return them to the place you got them from, set up and cycle your tanks then think about fish.
just so you know nick, my cory tank is doing just fine, just 1 fish death when i had transfered the corys to the tank(after changing the substrate to a pure sand substrate rather than a 50/50 sand/gravel substrate after one cory died due to a bristle coming off then it getting infected then death. The tank has been cleared from the sand debris(particals that were in water are now settled, new fish water and corys and snails havent died within the 2 days of having the sand substrate).
WIthin the corys i will be adding another 4 more to actually make the 6 group now that i know the bristles wont fall off due to them scavenging within the substrate. Now its just i want to add more fish to that cory tank(in about 2 weeks) so that i can monitor the remaining corys to see if their is something i may need to do to make sure they dont die.(also to make sure that the ammonia and nitrate doesnt go hectic within the new substrate and water(old filter media is still in the filter being used for the tank so i dont have a tank crash again)  

And also, the FS i go to doesnt tanke fish back after 1 month of having them (danios and tetras ive had 2 months with the numbers staying within 2-3 per fish species)
interesting, now to just get the algae to grow on my tank rocks(putting them outside in a still standing water bucket)
New filter has been added to my cory/snail tank. Question now, since my new filter doesnt accept my old filter media, should i do water changes to prevent a spike of ammonia/nitrite/nitrate or any bacterial/algae blooms? (ive done 2 water changes about 40% with the new filter for the past 2 days) as i am unsure of what to do as this is a bio sponge filter rather than a carbon filter.
BaylorPerez said:
New filter has been added to my cory/snail tank. Question now, since my new filter doesnt accept my old filter media, should i do water changes to prevent a spike of ammonia/nitrite/nitrate or any bacterial/algae blooms? (ive done 2 water changes about 40% with the new filter for the past 2 days) as i am unsure of what to do as this is a bio sponge filter rather than a carbon filter.
I would monitor ammonia and nitrite.  Normally there is more than sufficient nitrifying bacteria on surfaces other than the filter, but you have recently changed the substrate as well as the filter (if I'm recalling things correctly).  But four corys (and the snails) in a 20g is not going to produce that much ammonia.  If you have any live plants, even better.
live plants(semi live) and with 2 corys and now 4 snails as another has hatched in my cory tank. With my substrate being done about 5 days ago should be good, the ornaments that ive used since day 1 has been used in this tank as well so their is bacteria on there as well

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