African knife fish


Apr 24, 2004
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Hi I have an african brown knife fish In a twenty gal long tank and i need to know if I can put another one in it. Eventually I will get a big tank to put them in so that he can get nice and big. :dunno:

I also think that it's a male because he has a little white dot directly under his belly. so I don't know. :kana:
i had a brown knife fish beautiful fish but i never saw him ate then he was killed by my large clown knife sad story but i dont think another knife is best because they make an elactrical current through those tails and it has effects on other electric fish but if u were going to mate do ur research first....

have u seen him eat mine lived for 6 months and i never saw him eat
how long until you get a bigger tank? and how big will that new tank be?
The LPS I bought my Brown Knife from had 3 or 4 of them in there, but of course, I wouldn't trust that. *shrug*

I have a question though.. I have an extra tall 29-Gall with mostly small fish (except for 3 new ones I just bought - and dangit, I can't remember their species name...) Anyway, the Brown Knife is by FAR the largest fish I have...he's currently about 5-6 inches long.

When I bought him, I had no clue about things I should have been checking for (E.G. adult size, territory requirements, etc...) I just bought him thinking "He's awesome to watch, he's ok for community tank, I'LL TAKE HIM!". Of course the LPS I went to was in it for the sale, I'm sure. :( :(

My questions are these:
1) Just *how* big is this sucker gonna get?
2) Am I looking at needing a bigger tank because of this sucker? If so, he might have to make a trip to a LFS or LPS that I can donate him to, I doubt I'll be able to upgrade tanks anytime soon (unless we're talking just another 10-gallons.)
3) Is this guy REALLY going to eat all of my fish under 3-inches like some people are telling me?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
All knife fish are predators and can eat smaller fish up to around half their own size. Brown knife fish grow to around 12" and will require a tank of at least 48"x18"x18" when full grown.
Electrical impulses amoung the same species are not useualy something to worry about. However You will need to get a bigger tank BEFORE your fish starts to show any signs of dwarfing.
The tank will be at least 55 gal and I should have
it within 9 months and he is about 3 and a half ....
no 3-3/4ths inches. 8)

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