softening hard water without RODI Filter?

I live in SE UK where the water is hard enought to walk on. I use RO for my softwater fish and don't re-mineralise. As others suggest you can just use tap water to top up the minerals if needed. I don't and choose not to because our water supply also has a ridicualously high nitrate level.
You might or might not find this interesing. My discus tank has a ph of 4.9 and an ec of 15 this morning.
If the source water is not too hard.

A RO/DI unit is a good investment and will provide a lot more demineralized water for the same price and save a lot of transportation.

I use RO/DI only in my tanks because of my water supply constantly fluctuating Hardness and Alkalinity.

And I don't want to calculate a new recipe every water changes. So I use 100% RO + Salty Shrimp minerals and KH booster.

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