African Dwaft Frogs


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
Middlesbrough- Uk

I have five tropical African Dwarf Frogs,

Have you got any?

Does anyone know how to sex them, and if they are ok with tropical fish?


I have two right now. Lovely critters, but the males will drive a person nuts if kept in a bedroom at night (mine are about five feet from my bed!).

They are okay with SOME fish, though it is best if they are kept by themselves (just the five of them with no fish in the tank). They are easy targets for nipping, and will eat any fish that are small enough to be eaten. Fortunately, they're so small that the only things really small enough for them to eat are fry, so they can be a means of keeping down fry populations. If you see ANY nipping by your fish on the frogs, then they should be immediately separated into their own tank.

One major concern with keeping frogs in community tanks is the fact that they aren't too bright about eating. By the time the frogs realize there is food in the tank, the fish have usually already eaten it. To prevent this problem, feed the frogs live blackworms and frozen or live bloodworms SPECIFICALLY to them by use of a turkey baster or eyedropper. Do not expect them to eat flakes or pellets, even if they say that they are specifically made for frogs.

As for sexing...the males have a small light pink or white pimple on their sides underneath their arms. Females may also have it, but on males it is larger and more obvious. Also, females are wider and bulkier at adulthood, while males are more slender through the torso. Another thing is that females have a small stub of a tail, more than a male does.
They will eat frozen brineshrimp, but the salt on the brineshrimp isn't particularly good for them. It won't hurt them as an occasional treat, though.

As for the earthworms...yeah, they'll probably eat it. If the fish don't get it first.
I put a small earthworm in my tank when I had ID sharks. The frogs were trying to eat the worm. It had to have been 4 times their size. They eventually gave up after the worm tried to wrap itself around the frogs. They love bloodworms and will eat earthworms if they are cut up small enough.
How old are the frogss for me to class them as adults, anyone had any expeirences with spawning?

They quite usual critters, lol

I feed my bloodworms, they are ok with that.

Are they easy to breed?


Mells :)
Mine have been mating like crazy since spring came around. I saw what I believe were some eggs (they looked like eggs...they were tiny and black and floated, like they're supposed to). Those hung around for a little while and then disappeared. As expected. I didn't pull the frogs soon enough so they wouldn't eat their own young.

They're extremely hard to raise, as they're tiny and must be fed the tiniest of foods. But it can be done. Water must be extremely clean, but you can't do too drastic of water changes, because they're delicate.

At least...that's what I found out in my hours of research on the topic.

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