Aerosols, Room Fresheners, Any Fish Friendly?


Aug 21, 2008
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A long standing problem with my tropical fishkeeping is that i cannot spray anything in the air to freshen the room.
Apparantly the room smells of the fish, and i cant spray anything for fear of the fish dying. Are there any fish friendly products i could use to take the smell away? never seen a topic on this, and i can't open the window in the winter! brrr.
Even people say the room smells, and the only room the fish tank can be housed is the living room that its in now.
I really like candles and plug in air fresheners, but i remember in the past my mother had a plug in air freshener on, i looked in my tank and the guppies were stuck to the side of the filter!
I'm confused about why your tank smells of fish. It shouldn't if it's cleaned regularly and your filter is cycled. My tanks smell like a greenhouse, very earthy.
I think you need to find out why the room smells of fish and sort that out. Maybe you're overfeeding? Or you need an airtight container for storing the food?

Healthy tanks don't smell; maybe a slight earthy/composty smell if you open the lid and sniff, but it shouldn't be making the room smell at all.
I can't smell it, but many other people can, and its been mentioned, i do weekly water changes.
I would like to use a air freshener for when the room smells, (ive cooked salmon tonight, and its awful smelling!) i know its going to linger for weeks because i cant clear it out with anything to mask it or leave the windows open etc. im stuck on what to do!
I burn candles in my room with two tanks...they do have lids though.
Get an air purifier, then find a lid for your tank.
Any brand which dont effect the fish, i read about placing a bowl of baking soda which "absorbs" the smell. Anyone tried this?
Stick something over the top of it while you light a candle. It won't hurt them.

Better still find out why your tank stinks!
lighting scented candles wouldnt harm the fish lid or no lid just put them the other side of the room
Plug in air fresheners can kill birds, too, as can the spray aerosols. I don't have birds any longer but I still don't use them.

I'd suggest the candle route, or how about some incense? Not sure why they would affect your fish if there's none of the chemical particles in the air to get in the water like with the sprays or plug ins.

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