Acclimating Fish


Jul 9, 2007
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Reading, UK
Everyone seems to use the drip method ot acclimate their fish but I have been sold one by my LFS which sits in the top of the aquarium on the water, you put the bag water and fish into the the bowl. The bowl has a little hole which gradually lets water in, can this method be used instead of the drip method?

I will try and get some pics of it.

I haven't been doing any kind of drip method to acclimatize my fish o_o
And they're all fine, active and even eating frozen foods within the hour.
I float the bag in the water for around 15 minutes, then every 10-15 minutes there after i pour about half a cup of tank water into the bag, when the bag gets too full i just take some out and keep going. All in all takes about one and a half hours to two hours.
If the fish ever looks at all agitated i stop for a while and lengthen the periods of time until they calm down again. I then net the fish and release them in a somewhat calm area of the tank and chuck out the bag water. (and then top up with newly made SW, seeing as i end up chucking out about a bucketful of water)
Sorry due to my cammeras crap battery which does nt charge I can't get pics up but will try and find some internet ones.
wow i guess i suck. The method i use is similar but no where near as long i float the bag for an hour and every 15 minutes i take a shot glass half full or a little less and pour some water in so the salinity and temp gets right, then i let him go in the tank, and all my fish are doing fine.
My experience of acclimatizing fish, both fresh and marine, is that the experience of being in the little bag is the main stressor for the fish. A quick 15 minutes floating in the tank in the bag followed by 2x two cups at 15 minute intervals is sufficient. On the odd occasion I have equilibriated temperature and then just let the little fellows go. Touch wood (CF touches his head :lol: ) no losses so far.

I always use the drip method. I think the floating thing you mentioned has been discussed here before (maybe it was a different forum) and the general consensus was that it worked to quickly for marines.
i drip my fish into a paint kettle. I release the fish straight into the kettle as there is more room and no creases to get stuck in. I have several drips going in fairly quicky. I dont want the fish to be sat in a puddle of its own waste so mine are usually in within sort for 45 mins
I just do put a couple of cups of water in the bag over the space of about 40 mins.

Not lost a fish yet,always acted normal after..not even any hiding.
Me too. I just float bag in tank for 15 minutes then add a cup of tank water every 15 minutes, do this 3 times all mine have been fine :good:
Everyone seems to use the drip method ot acclimate their fish but I have been sold one by my LFS which sits in the top of the aquarium on the water, you put the bag water and fish into the the bowl. The bowl has a little hole which gradually lets water in, can this method be used instead of the drip method?

I will try and get some pics of it.


how much did it cost u?
Sorry not yet, camera is still awaiting a new battery that will charge :angry:
I can't find them on the internet either, probably a one off kinda thing.

Where the line is pointing to the water enters here slowly, the lowest tub is for the bag water and fish (little unsure how to add the fish out of a bag)
The weight of the water in the thingy allows it to slowly fill up. untill it gets so heavy it sinks letting the fish swim out.

acclimatng thing

Forget the first link.

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