im not the jedi i should be
as many of you know, i am one of the biggest animal rights activists you will probably ever meet. i am not opposed to professional fighting. no, i wouldnt never invest in fighting stock and fight them myself but i agree these bettas are well taken care of. as wuv said, if someone bought 2 vts from petsmart and said they were gonig to fight them, yes i would be angry and know that was wrong. lfs/fancy/unconditioned bettas are weenies that couldnt stand being fought.
if you are going to send an email to the people at this website, be polite! it completely discredits your argument when you use curse words and insults. if you write such letters, dont be surprised when they send you the same form of letter in return. they see that you think it is effective to act like a 3 year old so they do the same in return, knowing it will get to you.
also be sure to do spellcheck...bad spelling also discredits you.
if you are going to send an email to the people at this website, be polite! it completely discredits your argument when you use curse words and insults. if you write such letters, dont be surprised when they send you the same form of letter in return. they see that you think it is effective to act like a 3 year old so they do the same in return, knowing it will get to you.
also be sure to do spellcheck...bad spelling also discredits you.