Walmarts around here that had tanks closed them down a long time ago.. and opened them back up after getting "new filtration system"... now we dont have 12 cent fish but the fish that are there are cheaper. The problem with walmart fish here is they die, not just from young fish keepers, but because of improper care at walmart and improper handling by the employees. They are not expierenced and hurt the fish a lot when retrieving them. I will admit i have bought bala sharks from walmart... twice they died that night or the next day and i think it was a bad batch or something... which comes from the employees arent trained and dont know how to detect illness... but a while later there was a healthier looking batch in and they have lasted and done very good. Basically make sure u choose healthy looking fish from walmart and make sure the employee doesnt get frustrated and squish them... its sad because they are more then toys to do whatever to... they are living things, same as humans, dogs, cats, etc... Still,,, remember u r better off sometimes by spending more money at a more professional place where there is better fish and care. I have never once returned fish i bought from pets unlimited, the local chain of stores. You CAN buy fish from walmart but as i mentioned,,... use GREAT care and dont be afraid to tell the person to be more gentle or pick the largest one... etc.. etc..