About Walmart Fish....

My dream is to one day be wealthy enough that I never have to shop at a walmart again!!

But it's great to bring all your stuff back with pretty much no questions asked. Heck, I returned an expensive tredmill within 30 days, had no box and was already put together and they took it back without a problem. We brought tons of things back, sometimes for simple reasons like "I don't like the color afterall" and they never made a fuzz of it. Try that in an other store... :rolleyes:
My dream is to one day be wealthy enough that I never have to shop at a walmart again!!

But it's great to bring all your stuff back with pretty much no questions asked. Heck, I returned an expensive tredmill within 30 days, had no box and was already put together and they took it back without a problem. We brought tons of things back, sometimes for simple reasons like "I don't like the color afterall" and they never made a fuzz of it. Try that in an other store... :rolleyes:

yea i have no problem buying things from walmart, but like previously stated when it comes to fish extreme caution is needed... look for healthy looking fish and u may be alright, as i was with my bala.
yea i have no problem buying things from walmart, but like previously stated when it comes to fish extreme caution is needed...

Bu then again....Wal-Mart or your LFS, you always need extreme caution. I wouldn't like to pay 1 dollar for every store that is as bad (if not worse) than an average Wal-Mart. :rolleyes:
So I talked to the lady and she told me that those fish sell so fast that they are hardly even effected from being overstocked.

Have you ever analyzed most of the people that work at Wal-mart? :rolleyes:

Actually, the person knew a fair bit about fish. I asked her if that particular fish was a Pleco and she said yes. The normal response would be a "what?". Then I asked her if she owned any fish and she said yes. So, good for her. At least she might know what to do in case of an emergency.
We don't shop at Walmart, poor as we are. But most of those fish are just feeder fish, they don't think that they might harbour internal bacterias that will kill your fish.
Walmart is the worst I've ever seen. I won't walk into one after I was told that

"They won't let us treat the fish for disease. It's cheaper to them to let them die then to save them."

That was said after I pointed out that one tank had ich.
Its kind of sad but wal-mart has a better return policy than one of my lfs's

That's because Wal-Mart would rather drive out experienced local small businesses with their ill-trained staff and their crappy merchandise :angry: .
I love shrimp. Don't know whether to get a shrimp, or a snail (to clean tank).
Its kind of sad but wal-mart has a better return policy than one of my lfs's
There is a problem with Walmart's return policy on fish. Ask them some time what they do with returned fish. They don't put them back in the tanks. They go down the drain so the don't risk introducing a diseased fish to their tank (there' a real joke). Flushing a tetra that cost them 99 cent isn't a great loss to them. That is the same reason they don't treat the tanks for disease. It would cost them more to treat than the cost of the fish they lose. And after all, if they sell an unsuspecting newbie that diseased fish, they will most likely get to sell them some medication a little later on.
I strongly think those 12 cent fishes survive less than 72 hours after leaving Walmart .... beginners (especially kids under 12 without any fish keeping education) start off with these fishes ... They kill them as fast as they can and then force their parents to come back and buy some more (it is really odd to claim refund for 60 cents) ... I think that is the Walmart's secret of selling those fishes very fast !!

:angry: Why is it especially kids under 12?! I have seen some very knowledgable kids 12 and under, and some very unknowledgable grown ups, age has nothing to do with it! :no:

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