Fish Crazy
I don't know why you would want to have a full sand base in a tank. I always use gravel as the base so water can freely move through it, then if I want a sand look I top the parts of the tank you see with sand. I never vacuum any tank. Tanks with plastic plant or no plant, I use under gravel filters and they take care of all the fish waste.
You should go to a beach and dig a hole in the sand near the shoreline, you will be the only person there surprised to find water in the hole. I have 0 idea how you ever came to the conclusion that water can't move through sand. Some sands are better than others but it's silly to think all sand is bad. You should read up on the pros and cons of it.
Different tanks have different needs. There's nothing wrong with root tabs if you don't want fish waste laying all over, which can be unappealing to some.
Since I have pygmy Cory's, I wouldn't waste money on gravel because it would tear up their barbels, leading to infections etc. etc., and not everyone wants or needs an under gravel filter. That won't work for every tank. For me, I customize the filtration a lot and need the room to do so.
Putting a finer sand on top of gravel without under gravel filtration can also lead to issues.
But hey, to each their own.
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