Blimey, that's a lot to reply to
It is, I'm sorry! I'm known for being a waffler.

I really appreciate that you took the time to answer in detail! Thank you. Just suffered a major loss recently, and throwing myself into the hobby somewhat helps me to think about something else. Plus when you see a tank that is working, and I'm doing tank overhauls and new projects, it's great to pickup tips and tricks from others who are successfully keeping the fish you want to keep or a tank that's running well!
I'll get an updated photo tomorrow as lights are gone out now

I didn't do any dry start method and I went against all advice that I've been told at my lfs and read online asfar as baby tears are concerned, I just thought I'd try a pot and see what happens (live or die) and it is living
Haha, my approach to plants too! Outside, inside, tank. Give it a go and see if it works out.
It maybe because I don't gravel vac and when I setup a substrate I always put filthy water from a canister filter in it and mix it all up. Yes this does make a horrible mess on the first fill but 1 99%water change and refill slowly locks all the nutrients in
That's a really smart way to seed the substrate to start a new tank, to be fair! I like it.
Rotala / every plant I have grow well using this method although the colours come out much better under the Fluval 3.0. My other tanks just have budget lights on them, everything grows but colours aren't so vibrant.
Yep, and seeing some of the fish - especially the nano fish that are so small - at their best seems to be through a good light. The purple emperor tetra I got the other day don't show well in their current tank at all, can't see the blues and purples that I saw in the store under a really good plant light, which is why I've been thinking about investing in at least one decently rated one! The pseudomugi I have would look amazing under a good light too.
I do like to mix up the shrimp aswell I love seeing the new and different colours that appear and because there are so many breading at the same time the survival rate isn't so bad but Mossy (the betta) is quite partial to a shrimp or 3

, but I do have backup shrimp in my other tanks just in case
Haha! Cheeky fella. Since you have colonies going in other tanks, you could make the betta tank a cull one...

There's enough plant cover that most will probably make it I'm sure! I knew that you're not meant to mix colours of neocaridina, in that they'll produce a lot of wild types in time, but it was definitely fun to see all the colours they still produce! Had mainly red cherry since they were cheaper, but I'm really drawn to the blues, so got some babies for cheap! They've thrown orange, blacks, even rilis which are fun to find! But I do plan to have a blue only tank at some point. I do love my little guys, and the useful amanos.