A Tank In The Wall

I think the tank looks very professional. Sorry to hear about the problems you have had but cant wait to see more photos. Fingers crossed it all goes well for you from here on in!!!!

cheers :good:
Thanks very much for the kind words there very much appreciated, :good:

Unfortunately up’s and down’s are inevitable in this hobby and it just seems as if I am having more downs than up’s at the minute, :rolleyes: and to be honest it has been a massive learning curve for me, :S I have spent hours on the tin ter net looking for information on quarantine ect ect and in a strange way I have kind of enjoyed it. But haven said that hopefully the next few months will be trouble free and I can enjoy stocking the tank
Thanks again john,o
Wow, just read whole thread what an amazing journey and a fantastic tank :drool:
I totally know how you feel with the downers, they are very hard to cope with.
Hopefully the worst is over and you can begin to enjoy the tank, I am starting to enjoy things again hope you will too :good:
Quality peace of work my compliments :good:

Regards onebto

Thank you :good:
Quick update picky of where the tank is at to date…


As you can see in the pic the tank is still suffering from alga issues but I am slowly getting there :rolleyes: and the next additions are currently in quarantine and will be going in the tank within the next 2 -3 weeks, :good: {corals and a fish, the fish is blue/black & yellow :wub: and the coral is white with yellow tips :wub: my clown’s are going to love it}
The tank looks absolutely fantastic, you must be very pleased with your progress! Bravo! :good:
Just read this post - that's a great idea, a wall-tank! If only I had the obvious building skills you've got there - and a house, not a flat to modify, one day.

The equipment (from another post) looks impressive underneath. Thank for your journal, I'm learning tones off this site thanks to people who are taking the time to update with their trials and tribulations. From this I'm going to be adding one fish (unless pairs) per 2>4 weeks. Might take a while, but I'm too scared to do it any other way. That said, I've not got the tank ready yet, so the patience/waiting test/game hasn't really started yet! Like the acid etching too.

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