A Tank In The Wall

Well time for a little update I think...
I have lined the cubed out with white plastic cladding {the idea is I can just wipe any evaporation, water spills up with a cloth}


I have primed and painted the majority of the wood work to help make it water tight {rest to be painted later on into the build} and I have started on the door frame which I am hoping to have finished tonight.



then, if I have time tomorrow I will have the light switch for the breakfast room to relocate,


i also have the wall paper inside the top cubed where the tank is going to be strip and then paint the walls in a nice aqua blue colour then put some supports in over the tank to sit the 150w m/h on which leads me on to a question ???? , how far off the water surface should the M/H be?
Thanks john, o
Room is looking nice John, swmbo must be pleased :good:

The build is really coming on now, you enjoying doing it?

Seffie x
yes thanks seffie the other half loves the room it turn out really well :good:
and to be honest she has been a little more easy going on me with this build :sly: , so yep I am really enjoying it now it’s come in along nicely now and I have also just had some good news from AC aquatics, my tank is pencilled in for this week :yahoo: so hopefully I will get it early next week I don’t think I will get it running before xmass now though as I have a few new toys to play with on this tank as well , a tunze auto top up, a 150w M/h a fluidized reactor and a ATC 800 controller and I still have all the pluming and electrics to do for those yet + I still need to source some kind of lighting for my sump {Suggestions please ????} {deep sand bed and macro} and some sort of moon lights I was thinking of a aquaray for the moon lights but that will have to what till after the new year as I am completely penny less with this project and xmass :rolleyes: :lol:
thank you seffie ...
Anyhow must go and get bashed on before SWMBO comes home from work and accuses me of sitting on my bum all day on the tin ternet :hyper: :rofl:
sitting there all day in tinternet. noooo surely not hehe!!

looking good mate.
as for sump light have you looked at the red/blue LED grow boards. i've been using one for a few months now and am getting good growth rates from minimal power usage.
Thanks for that Anguilla, I will have to take a look at the grow boards that you have mentioned,:good:

well peeps my tank has finally been delivered form AC aquatics {after a 10 week waiting list :crazy: } and I have got to say it was well worth the wait this really is a quality tank the black silicone joints are really neat and there is tones of bracing on the tank, I really could not be any happier with it. :wub:

So now I have the sump to design and the pluming to do. I have a 18 inch cube sump from my 2ft cube tank, but the problem is the 1st chamber is not big enough to fit a pump in to drive a skimmer, the second chamber is going to be a DSB with macro and that leaves the 3rd and last chamber ware the return pump is, the skimmer would fit in there but it would be far from ideal skimming off all the benefits of having the DSB, so I also have a old 18x10x10 clear seal tank laying around which I am kind of thinking of using my plan is for the duso to spill into the 18x10x10 which will have 3 chambers the duso will flow into chamber 1 then my deltec mc 500 & the OR 2500 off my turbo floater sl 1000 will be in the 2nd then in the 3rd possible miracle mud then the water will flow down into the 1st chamber of the 18inch cube.
so that’s the plan, so all I have to do now is get my finger out of my laptop {this is a family forum:p} and get on with it
thanks haych :good:

well peeps this build has been a PITA from start, with electrical problems {me putting a screw through a power cable :blush: } the height problem with the cabinet {again me not planning properly :blush: } and so on, but the end is now in site I have the tank in place after a 10 week wait for delivery, all I have to do now is complete the pluming work and drill a couple of holes in the cabinet for the pipe work to go through then wet test
any hooow here is a pic


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