A Tank In The Wall


Mar 9, 2008
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A tank in the wall :good:
Well after keeping a D&D 24 gallon for a year I decided to upgrade to a 24 inch 50 gallon custom cube about 6 months ago. not long after it was up a running I knew it was not for me :sad: , so I immediately started planning my next project {this one} and well after a lot of paper work and meetings with the planer from the council :crazy: I have finally got the project started.
I have placed a couple of paint drawings just to show the layout of my house now, and to help show what I have planed.

In fig 2 you can see the wall separating the two rooms has been removed and the door way from room 2 into the breakfast room will no longer be needed so that’s where I am planning on having the new tank built into the wall,



So where am I at up to date, well I have ordered the bespoke tank from AC aquatics in the north east and that should be delivered in the next couple of weeks :good: . So with that in mind I have had the hammer out :crazy: and started to remove the wall between the two rooms...



Wow, how exciting, a hole in the wall tank - going to love watching this one :good:

Be the Mrs isn't a great fan of all the mess though ;P

Seffie x
cool :good: wouldnt a aquarium in the wall be hard to keep?
cool :good: wouldnt a aquarium in the wall be hard to keep?

access to the tank will be from the breakfast room, there will be a full size door in there, it will just look like a door into a room but when it’s open I will have access to the sump and main tank so maintenance ECT should be striate forward
any hooow its been a long day the wall is down the RSJ is in place all the rubble is out in the skip and the wife is home so it’s time to call it a day and get the kids ready for bed.
here is a pic of the wall removed and the RSJ in place and one of the wife inspecting the work so far lol
oooh she doesnt look impressed!

so.. you never moving house then? :p

this is something i have always wanted so will deffo be keeping an eye on this
lol take it you were sleeping on the couch last nyt she dosnt look happy

just make sure you have plenty of room to acsess it

good luck

rgds scott
thanks for the comments guys :good:
nope not on the couch, much worse than that I was at work last night... :p
so have not got too much done today.studded and dry lined the door way where the tank is going to be, and striped all the wall paper from the back room


good luck with this mate!

i would never be allowed to do it, took enough begging SWMBO to let me drill 2 60mm holes in the wall for some pipework!

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