A New Betta Fad....

Dorkhedeos said:
well, you can make them stop lighting candles by saying its a fire hazard. or call some inspectors in and pile a whole crap load of paper near it :whistle:
ooooh that's a great idea to call the fire dept! they would definitely not be happy to hear about burning candles in a store like that! it might even be against fire code to burn unattended candles in retail stores.

and boy would the aspca or whatever it's called in il have a field day with a complaint like this. i say contact them & the fire dept!

What are they going to think of next?!?

A few humourous suggestions?

My hubby thought of: Putting a Betta in a water globe inside a coke bottle.

Or maybe in a glass slipper, or a thin vase superinposed over a clock?

Ok these are not serious before anyone gets up in arms, but what is the next level going to be with these people? It will never be enough I doubt.

At my LFS who are usually great, they were promoting Bettas as valentine presents. Slogan: Give the love of your life a present that lasts.

They were selling a variety of vase style tanks filled with rocks, fake plants and Betta Food, water ager etc. The tanks are maybe Ok in my opinion for a small amount of time but one or two was set up the poor little guys didn't have room to stretch out their finnage let alone move. Most of them just lay on the bottom of the tanks, bored and tired from flaring too much at each other. I felt really sad for them, but it seems the acceptable thing to do to Bettas.

Cheers, Xanthia
:angry: OMG!!!!! I cannot believe how low some people will go for a buck! PLEASE, find out the name of that store. If they are a chain store they are probably selling bettas that way in all their stores. If there is one in my area, I want to check it out. I agree about calling the fire department. Many states have laws concerning open flames in businesses. I also agree about calling the ASPCA. It is bad enough to keep them in a cup they can't even move around in, but this puts them in real danger. This makes me sick.
Hopefully they just won't relight the candles. They were back far enough in the store where I doubt a staff member checks on them everyday, behind lots of shelfs and fish stuff in a corner. I don't even think they should have had a candle burning with all of that stuff around, it could have easily caught on fire.

It would be such a shame if the store caught on fire.....
Good thing you were there to save all the bettas and for that you should get to take them all home! :p
I'm going to go over there this weekend and talk to them. My dad will be home then and I think if my mom knew I was going to 'talk' to them I wouldn't be allowed near a petstore for a month!

If I can't find someone there to talk to (they weren't even around when I was there!) I'm thinking of leaving a letter on the front desk or some where they're bound to find it. Any ideas on what I should write? I'm not going to leave my name or anything, but I am going to say that I'm going to be checking up on their store or.....?

I would buy all those poor bettas, but I don't really have any space left. I think I'm going to do a major spring cleaning today and try to make my room look really empty.
FishyLoveBug said:
Hopefully they just won't relight the candles. They were back far enough in the store where I doubt a staff member checks on them everyday, behind lots of shelfs and fish stuff in a corner. I don't even think they should have had a candle burning with all of that stuff around, it could have easily caught on fire.

It would be such a shame if the store caught on fire.....
Good thing you were there to save all the bettas and for that you should get to take them all home! :p
Ideas, ideas.... :p
Chrissy said:
I'm going to go over there this weekend and talk to them. My dad will be home then and I think if my mom knew I was going to 'talk' to them I wouldn't be allowed near a petstore for a month!

If I can't find someone there to talk to (they weren't even around when I was there!) I'm thinking of leaving a letter on the front desk or some where they're bound to find it. Any ideas on what I should write? I'm not going to leave my name or anything, but I am going to say that I'm going to be checking up on their store or.....?

I would buy all those poor bettas, but I don't really have any space left. I think I'm going to do a major spring cleaning today and try to make my room look really empty.
Hey, can you post the name of the store here?
As your dad if he knows the name of the store...

if some of the rest of us call in AND you leave a letter, that will have more impact.
I can also tell you that when you start throwing around references to PETA, the local humane society and the SPCA, they'll pay attention.
I can't remember the name, and I can't find it on the internet or anything. Sorry, I'm having a mind block or something. Maybe I'll remember it when its not so early.

My dad wouldn't know, he wasn't there. I asked my sister and my grandparents already (who were there) and they didn't know.

I think I'll start on the letter now...This could get fun. ;)
Sigh... I love writing letters of complaint. Especially if the only thing they can do is to make it better. I might make an email account soley for complaints.
LOL amen BettaMomma.
I say we just buy a warehouse, fill it with betta tanks, buy every mistreated and sick betta we find, and hire people after they go through a 6 month training course to care for them.
We of course would have a camera pointed at every tank, and BettaMomma on a fish shaped tower looking down on the workers with her "dont mess with bettas" whip ready for action. :D :rofl: :cool:

To the Betta Bus! *insert catchy betta battle music*
BettaMomma said:
Each time I hear of something like this it makes me really wanna invest in that darn betta bus.

:crazy: "The betta bus?" What am I missing here? Are we all going to get on a big bus and race across the country saving mistreated bettas? Where do I get my ticket???? :hey:
FishyLoveBug said:
LOL amen BettaMomma.
I say we just buy a warehouse, fill it with betta tanks, buy every mistreated and sick betta we find, and hire people after they go through a 6 month training course to care for them.
We of course would have a camera pointed at every tank, and BettaMomma on a fish shaped tower looking down on the workers with her "dont mess with bettas" whip ready for action. :D :rofl: :cool:

To the Betta Bus! *insert catchy betta battle music*

eudie - I was in an uproar (big surprise, I know) at one time about something, and someone had made the suggestion that we get a Betta Bus that we can all load up into and travel around the country kicking the a$$es of everyone who doesn't treat bettas correctly. Then we take the bettas with us and travel on to the next destination.

heh heh

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