A Film To Make You Cry


Yeah, its sad.

What can i say though?
Its not cruel to put the dogs down as dog shelters aern't made out of unlimited space, if you didn't put dogs down you would end up with so many they would start living in appalling conditions.

Personally i think the problem lies with the dog breeders.

U'know its not that different for cats either as well.
And, well, rabbits i guess too.
....and rats, mice and hamsters....
....And pretty much anything else you can find commanly available in a petshop...

Its all about breeding animals to support the consumer demand for them when it comes to the breeders, thing is though there are more dogs been bred than customers can actually find homes for. Plus anyone can breed an animal, most people do it because they want cute cuddly baby animals, they usually don't take into consideration how quickly so many animals can grow up and breed or how difficult it can be to find homes for them etc etc...

Anyways, personally i dislike these sites as i think they use too much emotional blackmail to find homes for the dogs, i don't think somone should buy or take on an animal purely because they pity it, thats the sort of thing that leads to having not enough time or money for the pets involved.
You should only take on animal if you know you can financially support it, have time to look after it, pay for vets bills if need be, excercise it and spend time with it- this is not somthing this site seems to be really getting across to me as a posible customer, more like i feel they just want to off-load their dogs onto me because they have an overtstocking problem and want to make me feel bad about how many dogs they are putting down all the time.
But if they wanted me to make a donation to their dog sanctuary that would be a different matter- either way though, im not really sure what this site wants apart from to make people run out and grab rescued dogs out of sympathy- as i said though, i don't think entirely that is the right way or image to encourage people to take on animals as pets...

I agree with you Tokis. I don't want to sound like an ogre, but the video didn't make me cry. I'm not insensitive or inhumane, I just was very quickly annoyed by the way they were marketing, yes marketing these dogs. Guilt-tripping me is not going to get me to rescue a dog. I have a dog because I wanted one to share my life, not because I pitied it. Pity is not the reason to get a pet. Now, I have a rescued cat, but I made the decision to have a cat before I went to the shelter. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as harsh, people are moved by different things.
I agree with you Tokis. I don't want to sound like an ogre, but the video didn't make me cry. I'm not insensitive or inhumane, I just was very quickly annoyed by the way they were marketing, yes marketing these dogs. Guilt-tripping me is not going to get me to rescue a dog. I have a dog because I wanted one to share my life, not because I pitied it. Pity is not the reason to get a pet. Now, I have a rescued cat, but I made the decision to have a cat before I went to the shelter. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as harsh, people are moved by different things.
Exactly. Films like that aren't really concentrating on solving the problem, and that irritates me to no end. The problem is that too many dogs are being produced for the number of homes available for them, not that we aren't adopting enough. This is why pets should always be spade and neutered if not part of a breeding program.
Agreed. It didn't make me cry, but it did make me want to find a loving family for them. Although those are all in the UK, I bet there's some around here. My dog was in one of those shelters that kills them after 7 days, we only found him after he was in there 2 days. I couldn't imagen what woulda happened if they misplaced him or something, and when we called they forgot about him.
It would've been really really sad.
I guess its better to adopt then spend the $300 to buy one from a breeder.. :sad:
man i feel so bad for those dogs, if i ever have alots of money I'ma build my own big ol shelter so animals like that can live happy lives instead of waiting to die in some pound.
For those that are annoyed with the vid, I agree that it was fairly cheesey... especially with the fading and blowing up of pictures and all... :look:

BUT, I think the only point this rescue is trying to make is for people to re-consider running out and buying the first puppy they see in their local pet store or in the paper, and instead consider rescuing. Believe it or not, IF more people rescued instead of bought from BYB's and puppy mills, there would be absolutely no demand, therefor no incentive for greedy irresponsible breeders to breed dogs (and other animals, for that matter!). No demand --> no supply. What really annoys me is people who act like this video makes them cry, and who act like they sympathize with the 10 million euthanized dogs in the US alone, then they turn around and impulsively buy a $1000 puppy mill pup from a pet store! I REALLY hope that this video made a few people re-consider buying from one of the many cruddy breeders that ARE filling up shelters, and instead consider rescuing or supporting a reputable breeder....

"more like i feel they just want to off-load their dogs onto me". These dogs are not the fault of the rescue nor do they really belong to the rescue, they are the burden of our entire society. God bless the rescues that take these dogs in, as the alternative fate for them would be either forming a feral pack on the streets, getting shot, or worse. At least they TRY. 75% of that is volunteer service, meaning no payment what-so-ever. I volunteered for my city ASPCA for the past 3 years, and I've probably lost $1000's in donations, hours, and gas to drive there and back... I really empathize for rescues, they are trying to touch people that have no idea what's happening in their own city shelter. I've met tons of people who had no clue how many dogs are PTS in their own city.
Even though i have a bigger home now, i still don't have enough space for a dog, and i wouldn't have the time to exercise it either way, so thats why i wouldn't get a dog.
I think for those who are like me, who like dogs and appreiciate them but don't have the space, time and/or money to look after them, the best course of action is to donate some money to a good dog sanctuary/home/charity- your money may be little or large, but it will help the sanctuary look after the dogs, keep them for longer periods of time, and perhaps even build more space for them and hire more staff etc. A little money could go a long way :nod: .
The other thing you can do, is to help make people aware of dogs in general- say if you have a freind for example who is getting that puppy in the petshop because "its just so darn too cute!", or somone who wants a dog because they'd like it as a pet but don't appear to have the right enviroment or time/money to have one, it helps alot if you can kindly tell and explain them about the millions of dogs already in homes and how much time and money goes into keeping a dog- you could just save another dog from becoming another stray starving mutt in the streets or a dog waiting on death row in another shelter :nod: .

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