A few of my favorite boys

Awww, that's awesome :wub: I really think they just need to be with others, he really was fine when he was with that girl, but I could see he wasn't gonna last :/ I kept telling him to hold on till Monday :unsure: He hadn't eaten at all in almost a week, and had only picked and spit out before that since he lost the female, so this is such good news :wub:

I need to get me some grindals :shifty:
Gorgeous bettas as ever Wuv :wub:

I also never get fed up with looking at betta pics

bring 'em on! :drool:
oh oh oh i seee ct babies. wow they look really cool those are the mg x orange right? they are amazing already. that masked plakat is awesome ive always wanted one. amazing fishes :D
Yup,those are the MG ct/orange combos,Sam. They turned out really neat. They look like oil spills in person :lol:

cc~ no, I've never bred him. He really never had any interest in girls...he has fighting on the mind. But I've been thinking lately that I wouldn't mind some babies from him :hey:

Thanks Elisabeth and Joby,I love my babes :wub:
ooo oil spills? so they are all shimmery and blackish? they look cool but like are they that red in person or is it more darker colors like mg? they will be stunning in a few months. :D
oooh they're gorgeous!! Keep posting more pics!!!
cation said:
They are so cute. How old are they now?
hmm,good question :*) I really haven't kept track with them as I usually do. I'll guesstimate 8 weeks :huh:

Thanks,Gale :D
And yes Sam, they're just like that!! Very awesome actually. At first I was like " :X " because that wasn't what I was looking for. But now they've grown on me. And I'm not sure if it's actually RED,it's more like a very dark burnt orange. Compared to my reds they look pumpkiny. Some of them are getting orangish/red all over the body,kinda like 'flare buddy' back on the first page. I'm looking forward to seeing the once their rays grow in a bit more.
Lovely betta's love the first one absolutely beautiful, well done.
i cant wait till they are of age kelly, they are gorgeous already. the pics would make good christmas cards because they are red and green :D :p
awsome pics wuv, that to male is very hansom, im thinking a royal blue girl would be perfect for him :D all your fish are very nice ;) good luck :thumbs:

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