I can ramble so I'll try and keep it to the point best I can. This is also my very first aquarium and fish I've EVER taken care of.
About 6 months ago a friend of mine bought a Male betta (blue and orange). It was from
petsmart, no idea the age. Then she put him in 1g tank for 3-5 days before I took it off her hands and into a nice clean 10g tank. He would kinda puff up and swim around a bit but basically did.... nothing. I know, it's a fish they usually always do..nothing. After about a month or so he seemed more...bla than usual. Hiding out in the caves more and just bla. He WOULD get excited for food tho! Still does!
Sooooo I got my betta fish some friends? I know... I know! but this betta (blueberry) is super laid back and NOT aggressive. Then got 4 neon Tetras. Yeah nothing...zero interaction.
Day went on and he was getting worse. I 10000% over fed him (nice see him happy) so he's chunky/bloated and is basically always on his side at top of the tank. He will kinda straighten up when woken up and basically swims straight but he use to WAYS go all over the tank, like the bottom to chill by the heater. Mow he never leaves the top and is always on his side!!!!!
Then I bought two Molly's and sadly unno what happened but when I did a deep clean of the tank 3 neos died and one of the Molly's (my favorite she was all white ?)
So we went from 7 fish to 3 including him and I read betta like being alone and that didn't seem make ANY DIFFERENCE. He also wasn't alone very long before we got the neons either so not like he had run of the place for months than had to share it was like maybe 6 weeks MAX and the neons showed up. They didn't even go near him they stay near floor.
Our good heater died too and the cheapie one I bough I know isn't warm enough for his liking. So I know betta can get lethargic if not warm enough.
So right now he's on a VERY strict diet, eating peas for constipation, I'm waiting on a 100 watt heater, I bought more plants to liven the tank up (it was kinda boring) and if none of works I'm going try this medication i heard you can by (can't remember name) incase he is sick with that bladder issue betta get.
IF THAT DOESNT WORK then I'll put him alone in a 3-5g tank with real plants and it THAT doesn't work....I have no idea?!?! Do they have betta prostitutes....wait nvm she eat him.
I'm really hoping he's just not warm enough, fat and lazy. Cuz I really wanna get another white molly and just bought 3 neons for my alone guy. And he just looks so sad! And..
Dead! All the time!
If I had $$$ I'd just buy like a 30g and split it up. In a perfect world....
Hope I didnt ramble to much and can get some help from someone!?