Oops, can't believe I missed these crackers
^that seems like your trying to be superiour to me^
But everything I do seems to be interpreted by you as me trying to be superior, even if I am just correcting mistakes, or explaining things. You must have a huge inferiority complex.
u is what the kids use now a days
Not all kids. Just a certain type.
how old R U anyway im guessing going on 40
The ability to click on member profiles would give you that information. It's not exactly rocket sceince.
i mean come on arguments are good for the soul but resorting to grammer is just harsh,
Why? If someone is too lazy to use it when they know how, it makes it worse for those who truly have problems.
i had years of torment for my inability to spell so its just sinking low imo when people have to point it out in arguments.
I pointed out grammar, not typos, so the above is somewhat redundant.
andy u really r one of the biggest idiots (as its a family forum i wont use the word im thinking of) iv ever met
We've met? When was it? I don't remember it. You weren't in the second pub when I went out with CFc a while ago wree you? I still don't believe we actually went there, it's just a big con from CFC, Moray and Nina, but anyway, I digress.
i worked hard 4 them gcse's and ur patronising a child, its people like u that make the kids of 2day feel inadequate and turn them 2 crime.
You what? Because I think people should take the time to write full words and use correct gramma, people turn to crime? No wonder the government is having trouble controlling inner city estates with me on the loose like some internet Fagin
also i wont make a big thing of u saying "now way unsual" when it clearly should be no, but sum1 or ur intelligence probably put it there 2 test the rest of us
Indeed. As I will always say, typos are different to intentional errors. But don't let facts get in the way, eh?