75G Planted For Beginners. Haha.

As long as it is eating well, I wouldn't worry too much. Angels are not like danios that race back and forth through the tank. They stride graciously through the tank, like queens in a parade... Mine also hang still regularly.
I guess it bugs me that they stay in the back behind the plants so much. {Do my bidding Angels and swim!} :lol: I expected them to swim through the tank. Maybe when they are bigger I hope. I've only seen them in the front twice in a week. Though I'm sure at night they do all the interesting stuff.
hmm. I still haven't fixed my spray bar to the side. I need to try it and see if the angel comes out
:lol: My angels have come out to explore! I fixed my spray bar to the side and have my water pumps on a timer to run right after I dose ferts and when the co2 starts up. As soon as the pumps shut off, they come out to play.

My co2 diffuser's stem broke yesterday, but I was able to make it work until the new one gets here.

The best news of the day!!!! We went to my lfs yesterday and I left with a lonely Harlequin Rasbora, Who was desperately trying to school with Black neons ANDDDDDD 4 beautiful Metea Cories! They are so cute! Just little babies, and They are ordering more for me. We aren't keeping the bristlenoses as sad as it will be to take them back. My real love falls with the Kuhli's and when we have a good school of them, they will be endlessly sifting through a huge pile of BN Poo! It's terrible. So it's the Bristlenose's or the Kuhlis. We decided a few cories would fit in the tank without the BN's so it is working out great. COries are much more fun to watch the the Plecos. My tank will be nice and clean too.
Hmmm. Maybe you guys can help me diagnose a problem? I have an apisto flashing, another hovering under a water pump, and 2 kuhlis flicking around the side glass. We did about 90% water change in a day, and they are still doing it. I'm at a loss for what's going on. It isn't the co2, I lowered the level. It's no oxygen related...my water is rippling crazy.
If ammonia and nitrite are 0 and not fluctuating and there is no contamination you can think off, considering you've added new fish it maybe a disease knocking on the door unfortunately.
Check your tap water too. What dechlorinator are you adding? Have you tried double the dose just in case?
Everything is testing right where it should. My tap has ammonia but luckily I cycled this filter to insane capacity, and it clears my tap water in 6 hours. I use Prime. We overdosed a little yesterday just in case. Since I bought the 6 apistos together form the same source and one died within 3 days, this one is flicking, and the other hovering...maybe they were already sick? I just don't have experience on guessing at the problem... I don't what to do.

I worried at first that I cross contaminated ich from my other tank, but I realllllly doubt it. I have been running scalding water through everything and letting all nets and tools completely dry out.

The kuhlis don't have any physical signs of a problem and neither do the apistos. No red gills, spots...etc. Just the flashing.
If it is ich, it can take a while for it to physically appear in terms of spots on the fish, like a week or two.
If they flick then there is definately something annoying them but what is it?
If we presume water is fine and not contaminated or has some increased level of toxic metals, then considering the fish have no visible signs too, logically I would presume internal bacterial infection or internal parasites :/

Edit: It actually can take weeks/months for certain bacterial or parasitic infections to truly show up themselves.
I even took water to my lfs this weekend so they could test for things that I don't have a kit foe like phosphate...etc... and the phosphate was barely high, but that's the ferts. I've stopping using lotion even, except at night since I started with fish. I think I'll do another water change at the end of my photo period, and then that will determine if it's a toxin.

lol Just no one notices. I was just being a whiner for a second. I really didn't expect so many problems with this tank.

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