75G Planted For Beginners. Haha.

My lfs suggested that I treat the tank for parasites, but to only half dose. I don't have the medication needed, and it isn't available locally. My "lfs" is actually a good drive... and it's hard to get there before they close during the week. Anyway, I ordered some and until then I turned up the heat a little and changed some water.
He didn't say. I don't have a lot of faith in them, really. For many reason's. But I was happy to have something to try. I wanted to think it was either Ich coming on, or maybe Flukes. There are no visible problems with any of the fish other then the flashing and kuhli's being wild.
I am seeing some yellowing on the old leaves of my Cabomba. That's probably co2, right? I am dosing EI so there shouldn't be nutrient problems? Or the meds in the tank :sad:
I am seeing some yellowing on the old leaves of my Cabomba. That's probably co2, right? I am dosing EI so there shouldn't be nutrient problems? Or the meds in the tank :sad:

I wouldn't worry about it unless the whole plant is going. Its prolly the leaves reaching the end of their life.
Well. My lovely Apisto male died. It's really sad actually. I had moved him into my hospital tank a few days ago to see if full dosed ich meds would help. I was pretty sure he had some kind of parasite, but thats all the meds that I could get locally. I have Clout coming in the mail this week. The ich med didn't help him at all. I was able to catch the 4 Kuhlis and the 4 Metea Cories and move them to my other 10g, I'll treat them there separately so I can lower the dose. I'm not screwing around with the 75g and I want to fully dose there.

I went through a little depression yesterday when I knew the apisto was going to die. I cycled this tank properly, did everything right. I am losing fish anyway. Now I know for sure I bought him already sick. The way he was flashing {and now the rest of the apistos are flashing} and then he got so sick and died with no outward signs, it's not ich. It's some kind of internal parasite, I'm sure of it. Anyway, now I have 4 of 6 apistos left, and the sad part is he was the only one with any color. The other male has Zero coloring. Just made the whole thing sadder. I just hope the bottle of clout gets here fast enough, before the rest die.
I added Clout today. It says it should work in one 24 hour treatment, which is why I bought it in the first place. This way according to the bottle, 2 treatments should be all I need at the most. I'm going to do this treatment, wait the amount of time it says and then put carbon in my filter.... Then I'll watch for any flashing.

The loaches and cories got a half dose in the 10g fry tank. My 46g got a half dose. and my hospital tank got a dose, even though I don't have a fish in it...but the apisto died there, so I'm sure it can't hurt. Good thing I don't mind blue silicone. The only fish tanks I didn't treat are my betta tanks. They are doing wonderfully.

In my 46g all of the fish seemed much more active, and I hadn't seen a white spot in a few days anywhere, but the fry are still small enough, and the clown pleco hides during the day, so I treated anyway, it's 24 hours, for assurance.

I'm seeing signs on my plants, that all is not well. I have a feeling it's fromt he endless water changing I've had to do, the nutrients are dropping and raising, co2 is not stable. My diffuser broke which is part of the problem. My new one came today, so we start again tomorrow.

Wish me luck! My optimism is back. I'm now off to celebrate my anniversary with my husband. 8 years married and still going, with love, joy, and bratty kids! :fun:
AS always. Good new and bad news.

The good news first. My angelfish are looking really great today. I'm actually pleasantly surprised, they are gliding around the tank and pecking at everything... It's the most activity from them I have seen, this treatment did something good for them. I am annoyed that there were no outward signs of anything wrong.

Here's the bad news. I'm not sure if it is helping the Apisto's. One of them is hovering up in the corner, where he has been for days. {not oxygen related} I gave him and another one that was flicking a salt bath today, to try and help. I saw some flashing this morning, which was disappointing. I will change 25% of the water and treat it once more. I have raised temperature up to 84 degrees. After that, I'll be at a loss.
Depending on what they were sick from sometimes the medicine can even kill during treatment so some of them may not survive. For example if they had worms that died inside them or similar. Or some of your fish have a secondary infection. :/
Alternatively, the medication isn't working properly and you may be need another type of medication.
I am not helping too much. Sorry
Since this is the third medication I have tried, I don't know where to go from here. I treated again last night, the second dose. One of the apistos is about to die, he is on the floor and obviously dying with a curled spine and laying on its side. I'll watch for signs of flashing from the others when the lights come on. Angelfish are out looking great and the Rasboras are schooling. I have the cories and loaches in the 10g looking freaked out. I can't guess anymore at what's wrong with the apistos. I'm really regretting the insane cost of them, since my lfs ordered them specifically for me, they don't sell them usually. I have lost 3 of the 6 so far. No other fish have died in the tank, but the kuhlis had been acted really stressed and something was definitely wrong with them...and they haven't stopped in the small tank. I don't have enough experience to figure this out and my lfs just says {turn up the heat and medicate}

Clout is supposed to treat a larger variety of things. I don't know.

Since I'm on a depressed note, I'll add in my latest plant failures as well. I bought Hygrophila corymbosa last week for the centerpiece and took out the java fern, which I was never that fond of. The bottoms of the Hygrophila corymbosa are just rotting away repeatedly, so it's not going to have a chance to root. I keep having to cut more of the bottoms away. Sharp scissors, and gently pushing into sand...I'm going to try again later to save them.
I'm really looking forward to a day when I can enjoy fish keeping again. It's been really bumming me out!

There is light at the end of the tunnel for my 46g however. I am running carbon in the filter to remove medication. No signs of spots, and the cories fins look great! LOL Did I mention the birth of at least 300 pest snails!!? I was overfeeding a little for the fry, and duh! the pest snails got busy. I'll be netting them or squishing them for months now. I really get an ironic chuckle when I walk past the tank. Those #40## snails are ugly! :fun: N00B mistakes 101.
Darn! I would have traded you a bunch of my assassin snails for your java fern!
Are you dosing ferts? If so, why don't you try to let the corymbosa float and have it developing roots first before you plant it? Did you take off the lower leaves before planting? It is in the nodes of former leaves that they develop the roots... I also have corymbosa (a bit hidden in the back) and overall growth is great. You can see it in the pictures that I posted.
Thanks! I'll float it. DO you think it would do okay floating in my lower light tank? In the 75 everything ends up shoved behind a water pump when I float it. Lol

This Old Spouse I will keep you in mind if I ever have extra. I stuck it on some wood in my other tank, so I didn't throw it out or anything :) It just wasn't feeling right for the 75.

I found a poor cherry shrimp in the 75g! I can't believe it survived the medication. I tossed it in my 46g which has carbon in the filter right now.

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