75G Planted For Beginners. Haha.

Thanks! Can't wait to really arrange the plants. I'm keeping my hands off of them until I have good growth, So I can scape better. Bristlenoses are filthy. I am trading one out soon, my lfs is getting me a female.


No more clean sand. :sick:
Do you have a powerhead? If you can slope the sand from back to front, then aim the powerhead so it shuffles the poo to the filter intake it would help a lot. And btw, the poo is why I rehomed my common plec, magnificent as he was!
I have 2 water pumps, but that and the filter spray bar are aimed at the front glass to distribute the water evenly {co2 and ferts} I need to do some really good playing with them all to see if I can get them set up to push the poop, without leaving dead spots. I have the water pumps wrapped in floss because I worry about them being to strong for the angelfish. They are already stayed in the back of my tank all day.
Well, I just did some experimenting with my water pumps and spray bar, and They are back to the original position...luckily most of the BN poop piles up in the center of the tank, and since their big tails and my loaches are constantly popping stem plants up, Whenever I have my arm in the tank, I'll just use my trusty turkey baster and suck the piles up.

Good news! I have spotted some shrimp. I put them in the other day but had no idea where they were. :hyper:

Anybody know how green to go on the drop checker by cut off time?

Here's some pics. I am finding that Kuhli's are out an about much more then I thought. Can't wait until there are 15 of then. Madness!!




Annoyed after I got in her face.
Apart from the fact that the colours of the fish come out better with a dark substrate, not seeing the filth was another very strong reason not to go with white sand this time. As I travel regularly, weekly water changes are not guaranteed and the white sand always used to have a filthly look somehow.

Good though that it centres in the tank; gives you something to do so you are not too tempted to start fiddling around with the plants already.... :lol:
I know, we wanted black in the 75g originally, but it was getting pretty expensive, so I did the play sand here. I love the black in the 46g thought, I looks so much cleaner...should've put the Bn's there I guess lol. The good thing is that the way my water flow is working all the poop goes to the back center. So you can't actually see it much front the front.
Yeah, I see what you mean; just spent another 50 dollars on some small things today.... I was just lucky with my kit though; it was cheap although a bit smallish, but if I had wanted an extra 20 cm, I would have paid double for the same thing!
Because Pics are fun. I got my new camera today, but I only took a couple because the lights had already shut off, didn't want to freak out my fish for long. poor guys.



I really need some help with my water flow. My angels are staying in the back of the tank all day where the water flow is calmer, but that's obviously not the ideal place for Angelfish. I don't know how to position everything so that there is a good flow through the tank for the plants, no dead spots to tempt algae, and still allow the angels to have the run of the tank!

Please. suggestions!!

I have the 2 Hydor Koralia Evolution 750 water pumps, do I need both?

And the XP3 spray bar.

I just put my angels in my tank as well and am observing them. I have not put the koralia in yet, and doubt that I will with this flow.

Why don't you turn them off and see how things go plantwise? I think as you are not yet heavily planted (there is enough space around the plants) that you won't have a problem with the algae. My bba showed up on my sagittaria in my bowfront tank. These plants were pretty close together and were in a completely dead spot as I didn't have a spraybar but only a nozzle. I am tempted to think that the Rena is so powerful that even just with the spraybar you will get enough flow throughout the tank.
I may try that. It would have been better to have bought the smaller water pumps even, but I planned this tank with no experience, and I don't know anyone who has aquariums.

Thanks :) My poor little angels.
Don't worry; the koralia will come in handy one day! Another possibility is to put the spraybar on 1 side, just like mine and then a koralia on the other side directing it straight into a bushy plant grouping once you start seeing algae.

Dead spots are mostly created by hardscapes and/or thick planting and plants on the lewd (is this correct english?) side of the hardscape becomes a dead spot as the flow is being diverted around the hardscape or the plantings. Your branches are thin, and so is your planting for the time being, so not much flow diversion. Sounds logical, right?

My angels seem to be doing fine. They stay under the spraybar though so they are not in the full current, but they do swim around.
Makes sense. I just moved it to the side to see. I put it on the side farthest from my intake tube and it makes the tank look nice in back at least. There is the slightest wave to the plants. Do you aim for a slight sway, or an obvious one? Did that make sense?

I appreciate your help. I'm learning everything on the fly lol My angels were swimming around too...but with my spraybsr on the back, they were staying back there under it. :)

I can always keep the koralia wrapped and aim it toward the center of my wood. It's two pieces of wood actually and some caves I hid underneath, so thats where the water will be diverted away from.
Now that I have a place to start, I can mess with it and see. I didn't know exactly what I should be thinking of. Thanks again! :)
Glad that it is working out! I have it exactly the way you have it now; spraybar farthest away from the intake. A mild sway is more than sufficient.

That is the good thing about this forum; you learn a lot by reading what's working for others. I keep learning every day!

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