75G Planted For Beginners. Haha.

The excel was probably to blame then for the plants and the cories stress. I have taken the t-5 lights off the 46g and switched back to "low-tech" over there. No sense running pressurized co2 in the 75g and trying to make the 46g high tech with excel...it's way too complicated. The swords that I have in the 46g should do OK if they adjust to the lower light. My poor cories can calm down anyway, the albinos didn't like the higher lights and are much more active today anyway.

No plants yet! But I just got my co2 canister filled. Took about 3 1/2 mins in the welding supply and I'm good to go :good:
I bought ferts and excel for my latest tank but I have not put any of it yet. The plants are thriving and growing, although in slow temp but that suits me just fine.
I tested the excel on my other tank and it is after nearly killing two of my plants and definately stressed the hell out of the fish some of them went into hiding for the period of time.
I only used the normal dose recommended on the bottle every second day for a week and that was enough to put me off. My plants seemed better at first and then all of a sudden I got a disaster. The cabomba is gone to #105###s. I pulled the last bits of it to use as cover for the baby cory breeder box. And I moved all of the Anacharis to my fry tank where it has blossomed since without a drop of fert or liquid carbon
Do ferts really do what they are intended for as I make no difference?
lol. You did almost exactly what I did. I cut all of the healthy tops off my anacharis and threw it in for my fry before I tossed the rest. I am NOT impressed with excel. I used the recommended dose and my poor cories were stressed...my water changes also stress them, and now I'm worried that I have Ich on the horizon. None of the fish have a spot yet, but I am seeing warning signs. I had to do an extra water change last week and I think that set it off. Normally water changes are fine more often, I would tell anyone that...but right now it's making things worse[ammonia in my tap and nitrites were clearing slowly]. The dying plants were raising nitrites and I thought my filter sucked, until I figured it out.

Here's the good news!!! I have planted my 75!!!! I had so much fun, it took 5 hours and my adorable 2 year old son was wearing the plant pots as a hat, chewing cut plant roots :crazy: and putting fallen leaves on his 4 month old brother :). I will post a pic of the tank tomorrow. It def. needs to grow out, but there is potential, I think. I have the co2 and lights on a timer and will start dosing EI tomorrow. I was worried about how long to start the lights on. The cool thing is that the place I bought the plants grows them submerged and with co2 and ferts. :hyper: Crazy right! So I hope the adjustment will be easy.
:crazy: I just read my last post, why do my posts always sound like I've just had 9 cups of coffee? The pics I took last night are terrible. It was really late after a busy day, and I was about 2 cocktails past photography :fun: I'll get some later.

Here's the really great news! My lfs got my fish. I pick them up tomorrow. Here's the biggest issue.... They have 2 albino long fin Bristlenose or two dark ones. Should I go with the albinos? She said they were so pretty "you don't even know they are plecos" I probably answered my own question...

They got my apistos 2m:4f Double Red Cockatoo I can't wait to see those! They could Not get Julii cories. At all. So I'm going to look for another type of cory.

They only have 3 kuhli loaches :( Which I am bringing home, but they will be lost in the 75g...especially since there are 2 coconut caves hidden in there.

Before I get too wordy, Pics on the way in a few!
Why don't you try trilineatus cories? 95% of the cories that are sold as juliis are trilineatus anyway. If the ordering lists are right, they probably will not have c. julii on it, but only c. trilineatus.

Trilineatus are lovely, alternatively you could go with loxozonas. These are also very nice. I am currently drooling over the new orange laser cories from Peru; very expensive though. Have a look at aquabid, they have a nice selection of cories for sale normally and always ship to continental USA.
Ah! Thats the cory I forgot when they asked what other kind I would want. Thanks.
Got my fish today! Well most of them. They had issues getting some and they are reordering, also the 3 black Angels looked awful, they wouldn't sell them even if I wanted them. I got:

3 Marbel Angels
4 Khuli loaches {getting the rest in groups of 4-5 each week) So they will be from different bloodlines.
8 Harlequin Rasboros {The cardinals were not hardy enough for my water, I don't think.
6 Apistos {3 for my 46g}
1 Platy
2 Bristlenose Plecos {Not the albino long fin, we didn't like them}
6 cherry shrimp
and a stowaway Rili shrimp!

We are still getting...
7 rasboros
3 black angels
6-10 khulis
8 cories

Here's a hasty shot of the tank. Bear in mind please, all the plants are babies, most were stripped of leaves for shipment and the others are bulbs :)
I think it will look great as everything grows and I can start propagation on my own plants. woot!! Today was so exciting. I did a thread with pics of the fish!!
Very nice! How come your water is so clear already?! Once mine cleared more or less, I noticed that the wood was in the wrong place. So, moved things around and it is mud black again! Still haven't been able to get everything into the righ place. *sulk*

I have espei rasboras and they shoal so lovely; the harlequins will do the same, I'm sure.
I think the water is clear because I only used play sand and root tabs. I only gave a 5 count in the bucket when cleaning and then dumped, so all that's left in my tank is the heaviest sand :p The bad thing is that the rooted plants may lack for food.

The harlequins have won my heart. They are shoaling now and look so lovely. I am thinking about trading the Von Rio tetras in my 46 for something that schools better.

I am so impatient :p I see pics of people's newly planted tanks all the time that are just beautiful...but then they are usually a smaller volume. I need to wait awhile before my plants will grow taller then the wood. Co2 is driving it, and EI ferts. I planned this tank to every detail for MONTHS. Might as well put in the the same patience for growing my plants. hehe I LOVE to garden but it has been next to impossible to grow anything but Peppers since I'm in TX. Indoor gardens kick #17#####!
Wow! Great work! Looks great already...can't wait to watch it fill in.

Still waiting for my plants. :( I guess blizzard conditions in South Dakota are holding them up. If all goes well I will be able to plant Wednesday.
Tank looks great. I know what you mean about paitience. As a landscaper I constantly have to tell people that it takes time to fill in.
I am also jealous, of the size of your tanks, I don't have room. Your understanding spouse. My wife is starting to take more interest. And perhaps most of all the Angels! My first fish were angels. Bought them at the Woolworth five and dime, for fifty cents a piece, my whole allowance. Of course that was over thirty years ago.

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