the one and only
this is stupid! a lab killing a baby thats silly talk, a lab is man best friend its the most loyal dog ever and it would never and a puppie could never kill a baby!! and the parents would have been out of the house for a while for the puppie to kill a baby!!!!!
i once(3 yrs ago) took on a chocolate lab called sam, he bit both me and my son, he had a problem with food, so when i went to hand feed him a bisuite he went for me and got me!! then he did the same to my son as he was trying to get him off me, having said this he was a little over a year old, and when i called the dog warden to come and get him she said she had been aware of cruelty issues with the prior owners,tho i had no way of knowing this,and they had obviously been totally uncaring as they came and left the dog with a single mum with children,the dog went to a rehabilitaion centre, and i had very accusing emails from the prior owner saying that i had beat the dog or not fed it at all, truth infact was even if i had wanted to beat him i would have been terriefied too after this( no i dont do things like that at all) he totally lay the blame at my door and up to this point we had had the dog with us for 3 days, i was totally asounded and so upset that 1) he bit me 2) i got the blame from the last owner 3) a labrador has been so mistreated that he turned this aggressive.. we all know why i chose a lab.. and on meeting him he was fine and friendley,especialy with the kids,it was only when food was involved that he turned aggressive-i dont blame him,it was what he was forced to have to do to survive apparently,,,, anyway what i am trying to say i..... there is nothing !!! and in my mind i mean nothing,that would make a lab puppy kill a baby. even if that dog had been severly abused, at 8 weeks he still wouldnt have taken this route, not that i am any sort of expert where dogs are concerned, but i do have an iota of commom sense, i have always loved dogs and believe me in cases where dogs have killed babys or hurt children i would be the first to condone killing rambling now, and feeling sick, in our society its dog owners that are to blame not dogs for bad behaviour, but in this case its the parents fault they did it, thers no point them denying it, they are evil sick kids, and i hope they pay dearly for what they have done,and again for blaming the dog for their hideous crime, and while we are worrying about vetting dog owners, why not lets vet druggies before allowing them to have children!!
ps the prior owner is sams case was prosecuted and i paid the bills for him to go to rehab and get rehomed.
shelagh xxxx