Ugh, even if I did believe the dog killed the child ... he's 6 weeks old! He really could have been trained and been just fine. Did not have to be killed ... would we give a 2 year old child a life sentence or execution for hitting his little baby brother on the head and accidentally killing him? I know, can't compare animals and humans ... but it's bloody unfair.
As to whether or not I believe it, I don't know. I know that our dog when a puppy liked chasing things that moved. And if that 'thing' was a baby swinging around, maybe he would have playfully bitten it. Then again, can an 8 week old baby actually swing on it's own? Doubt it. But seriously, who in their right mind leaves a 2 month old baby alone?! With a dog?! And there is no way they 'didn't notice' the child crying or being hurt. All of them should be charged with neglect at least ... the mum, dad and grandmother.