6 Week Old Lab Kills Baby

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I don't think a 6 week old labrador puppy would kill a 2 month old baby human. There is no reason for the dog to do that unless it had a mental disorder or rabies and that would be pretty uncommon in a dog that age and breed. And although puppy teeth are sharp I really can't understand why it would even contemplate attacking a kid. If the dog wanted to play then maybe it was play biting but the kid should have screamed if it got bitten. And unless the dog bit through a major artery I can't see how a dog of that size could kill a baby in a swing.
So my money (like tangokitty) is on the parents and they used the dog to cover it up. We will find out more after the autopsy is done but I doubt the dog is at fault.
I seriously doubt that the dog could have kill it without anyone noticing. Thanks for the Reply, We will see how this goes!!
I seriously doubt that the dog could have kill it without anyone noticing. Thanks for the Reply, We will see how this goes!!

Wouldn't they have heard the baby cry? I'm sure he would have been screeming pretty loud. Unless they where playing really loud music.
maybe they were stoned off their head and thought the baby crying was some really cool music man
Anyone remember the case of the 6-8 week old puppy who chewed off a baby's toes, even though the parents were sleeping right next to it (on a mattress on the floor, while the baby was in a carseat, of all things. They didn't wake up until after the damage was already done). That was a sensational story, and then it turned out the puppy didn't do it at all, that it was the ferret. I'm waiting for a similar turnaround to come about, that the baby died some other way and they're blaming the pup because they don't want to get caught.
Ugh, even if I did believe the dog killed the child ... he's 6 weeks old! He really could have been trained and been just fine. Did not have to be killed ... would we give a 2 year old child a life sentence or execution for hitting his little baby brother on the head and accidentally killing him? I know, can't compare animals and humans ... but it's bloody unfair.

As to whether or not I believe it, I don't know. I know that our dog when a puppy liked chasing things that moved. And if that 'thing' was a baby swinging around, maybe he would have playfully bitten it. Then again, can an 8 week old baby actually swing on it's own? Doubt it. But seriously, who in their right mind leaves a 2 month old baby alone?! With a dog?! And there is no way they 'didn't notice' the child crying or being hurt. All of them should be charged with neglect at least ... the mum, dad and grandmother.
"The child's 17-year-old mother" well i think that says it all really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The black lab has been euthanized, police said." followed by "Police are not sure how the baby was killed without the parents realizing it was happening." Which kind of makes no sence??????? -_- :crazy:
The statement "Police are not sure how the baby was killed without the parents realising it was happening." is the cops way of saying they don't believe a word of what the parents say. The police aren't stupid, if someone says they didn't hear a baby screaming while it was being mauled by a dog, they know it’s a load of crap. Either the baby was left alone unattended, or the parents let the dog chew on the kid.
This is outragous! No way did that puppy do that on it's own. I've had puppies, they don't just viciously attack anything like that. The parent's, or someone, had to have done something to that child. Especially when they say he was left unattended for an undetermined period of time. :angry: WTH is that about? Parents like that infuriate me!
This just makes me want to cry...
By the way, I wasnt a lot older when I had my first daughter and I would argue anyoine who says I could be a better mother by adding a few years, so her age excuses nothing. I say put the parents down too. Grrr.
And if anyone else out there is neglecting babies/children/animals, send them my way!!

(still want to bawl, poor baby....)
Something very dodgy going on there :angry: and what was a 6 week old pup doing away from his mother :crazy: :crazy:
i dont believe one word,when a 2month old baby even bites his own finger they cry and wont stop till you give them a cuddle to carm them if the parents didnt here the baby cry when the dog was biting it what were they doing sleeping in the oppisit side of the house i didnt like my son sleeping in is own at three months but i still used a baby montior and any little sound he made i woke up,i had a swing which i used to put my son in my german was a pup roughly the same age as what the lab was he used to try and jump on the swing but got scared because of the movement plus dogs legs at that age isnt strong enough to jump to high anyway.this wasnt a tragic accident this was neglect from the parents,i hate it when the autimatically sorry about the spelling blames it on the dog the dog shoulded have been put in a postion like that both dogs and babys need looking after and not left to get on with it imo i only feel sorry for the dog being put down course they blame it on the dog because he cant speak and the little baby who had to come in this world with parents that didnt give a monkeys like someone said the parents should be put down aswell through neglect and stupidity
B******* it was the Pups Fault.
That Trailer Trash Hick Mother should be done for Manslaughter - how could she not hear the baby screaming its head.
nothng Adds up. Someone was either toooo drunk or off there heads on something o hear/do anything.
you never leave a baby alone with any animal. no matter what it is. A baby that young can't even tell what it its is doing half the time and may have triggered the Pup into Gnawing it.

as stated in the threads on the news channel. The pup had an appendage inside it and was euthanised to remove the said appendage.
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