6 new bettas!!!!!!!

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betta_lova said:
By conditioning I don't mean that I'm gonna breed them I'm conditioning them so that I can breed them anytime :angry:
sorry-thats not how it works. you cant condition them for 2 weeks and breed them 6 months later. you need to learn a little more about your fish. have you read the pinned topics at the top of the page?

anyways-you are basically saying that you do plan to breed them eventually.
Y'know, bettalove, you seem to find just about all people on your betta breeding/conditioning threads "unhelpful". Jac may be a bit forward at times, but she knows her bettas - as do many of the people that are giving you advice. You would do well to heed their advice.Don't get angry just because you aren't hearing what you want to hear.
betta_lova said:
Maybe and I find you the most unhelpful thing in the world :angry:
thats mature. grow up.

sorry but i think i have bred a few more bettas than you and have owned a few hundred more anyways. if you dont want to take my advice (or similar advice form other users) thats fine.
its not me who will suffer. it is your fish.
Amen, Jac.

You've got a lot to learn before you think about breding, betta_love. Start acting mature, and stop with the breeding idea. You aren't ready for it, and it is BETTA ABUSE. Do you know what Betta Abuse is? It is when owners like YOU do the worst thing possible for their fish and end up making them extremely unhappy because you want to look cool.

Well, you don't.

We don't really like you, but we care about what happens to those poor fish you bought. They would be, at this point, better off in walmart, as you don't know Jack about how to care for them. You'll condition the ladies, get them eggbound, and give them slow painful deaths just so you think you look cool.

Yea, thats definitely mature enough to handle the responsibility of breeding..
Alright everybody, I totally hear you (totally!) but let's keep it clean with no personal attacks.
I was asked to lock this thread but honestly betta_lova, I think you need to listen. Quit wanting to breed and just be happy keeping bettas :nod: You're going back to school in a couple of weeks so you won't even have the time, just quit even thinking about it .Maybe by next summer you'll be ready.
Hi Betta lova,

Do you still have a few krib fry? :dunno:

If so, I'd focus on raising them. I bet they'll grow up to be beautiful fish if you give them all your attention and care. :nod:
Yep :p i have nine left! They're beggining to get some white on them! They're currently just brown and black *yawn* lol
I agree that your not mature enough to breed yet. And uberstant, I noticed you said, breed them already, but then you edited. :no: :no: :no: . Also Betta_lova, based on the majority of your posts, I wouldn't breed for 4+ years. You first stated you are conditioning them, and then you said, I mean I'm letting them get used to the environment. OK, if a fish has some kind of so called "tumor", why would you condition it? You would want to QT it and get it to tip top shape before you even THINK about conditioning it.
Everyone, this fella is just looking for attention. This isnt the first thread that he said one thing and then changed the story 14 times. I think if you just ignore him when he posts these crazy posts, he will grow up and maybe act like a decent member on the forum. He probably didnt buy any fish, or else he would have showed them. I know he has a camera, I saw his picture in the forum, and when 5th grade starts we wont hear much more from him .
you all really need to stop attacking betta lova.. maybe you dont agree with some of the things he says and does, but there is no need to call him immature.. hes what 11 ?

and i really dont think what he said was immature.

when everyone tells him everything he does is wrong, it must get annoying..

and i think hes handling it quite maturely actually.. more mature maybe than some other people..

ive had my doubts about the things hes said, and about some of the things he does, but i think its time to leave it alone..

if he wants to breed let him.. at least he will try to keep the fry alive..

i just think its time everyone chills out
nibbles said:
you all really need to stop attacking betta lova.. maybe you dont agree with some of the things he says and does, but there is no need to call him immature.. hes what 11 ?

and i really dont think what he said was immature.

when everyone tells him everything he does is wrong, it must get annoying..

and i think hes handling it quite maturely actually.. more mature maybe than some other people..

ive had my doubts about the things hes said, and about some of the things he does, but i think its time to leave it alone..

if he wants to breed let him.. at least he will try to keep the fry alive..

i just think its time everyone chills out
what he said is that he just got some fish (vts and cts) adn he said he was conditioning the vts to breed them. he aslo said he was conditioning them so he could breed them at any time (we have seen other posts by him on the board and dont find him to be responsible enough to take on a project of this size.)
im pretty sure everyone agrees on that.
if everyone tells him hes wrong, everyone on a betta board-perhaps he should listen... just a thought...
he is avoiding questions that he doesnt want to answer and avoiding the comments where people point out glitches in his story. thats very mature. :rolleyes:
nibbles did you not notice that it took him 6 posts to answer your question about where he got them?

we just care about the fish and we dont want him to kill them all with misinformation or by being in school and not having time to care for them.

betta lova-show us that you can listen to us and take advice when you ask for it and perhaps you will gain some more respect around here! the choice is yours. :)
nibbles said:
you all really need to stop attacking betta lova.. maybe you dont agree with some of the things he says and does, but there is no need to call him immature.. hes what 11 ?

and i really dont think what he said was immature.

when everyone tells him everything he does is wrong, it must get annoying..

and i think hes handling it quite maturely actually.. more mature maybe than some other people..

ive had my doubts about the things hes said, and about some of the things he does, but i think its time to leave it alone..

if he wants to breed let him.. at least he will try to keep the fry alive..

i just think its time everyone chills out
and how old are you. :X
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