6 new bettas!!!!!!!

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nibbles said:
some people can only get veiltails.. but if you can get better stock.. healthier nice looking ones.. breed them first... if you have no other options then breed the veils.. but im sure youd rather have cooler fish than veiltals lol
dont breed veils at all, their are so many out thier, and if your breeding to just tr it out then you'll probably wont put much time into growing the babies. :angry:
:huh: once again, i find it hard to keep up with your story...if you're gonna make up stuff at least make them make sense
betta_lova said:
I was sooooooo lucky! They usually only have veils but I found 2 crowns and obviously bought them. I also bought 2 veil cambodian wit red fin females
See I also got 2 crown females the males are viels and so are 2 of the females
WTF! I bought 4 females 2 were veils and 2 were crowns and if you don't belive me then don't like i care :angry:
i know lots of ppl that cant order online.. only can get veils.. who cares if they breed anyways.. what pet store wouldnt want free fish to sell ?
nibbles said:
i know lots of ppl that cant order online.. only can get veils.. who cares if they breed anyways.. what pet store wouldnt want free fish to sell ?
Yep :p lol
actually, a lot of petstores won't be able to take the bettas becuase they are on contract with breedres, which means that they can only sell the fish that are from that breeder specifically.

Besides, there are so many veiltails already, why spend your time rasing that batch when you could riase crowntails or other more desirble types? they take just as much time, and are worth a lot more. No need to propagate bad genes. And breeding shouldn't just be "for the heck of it", tis' not like "oh since i can't get any crowntails i guess i'll just breed hte vts for now" :/
betta_lova said:
WTF! I bought 4 females 2 were veils and 2 were crowns and if you don't belive me then don't like i care :angry:
then stop posting things about getting new bettas for the sole purpose of hearing peoples opinions on them.

you said you were conditioning the vts. so i assumed that since you were conditioning them you were planning to breed them? am i correct in assuming that?

yes i agree-if youre going to make up things, you could at least make your story a little smoother.

look-we only care about your bettas when we tell you not to breed them. you obviously dont care about them as much as we do because you are ignoring all advice from people who have actually bred before and just moght know what theyre talking about.
you can prove to us that you are in fact mature by not breeding your bettas and taking advice when you ask for it.
By conditioning I don't mean that I'm gonna breed them I'm conditioning them so that I can breed them anytime :angry:
BeccaBlain said:
And I'm a female. An old crotchity one at that. :)
:rolleyes: You were born in 83'. If that makes you a crotchity old lady, guess that makes me dead, as I was born in 73... :crazy: :rofl:

Oh yeah - Don't breed your bettas. There is no need to condition females you don't plan on breeding immediately - In fact, doing so can occasionally have dire consequenses, ie the female becoming eggbound.
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