6 Gal Tank, Am I Stuck Stocking With Minatures?

you have a betta in a 1 litre vase :crazy: most people think a gallon is too small, i wouldn't keep mine in anything less than 2.5, if you move the betta into the 6 gal you willl get so much more from him, you may of heard that you can keep bettas in such small spaces because they are afriad of space but this is totally wrong, many on here give there bettas at least 2 gal of space and lots of love and attention, they are great fish and bond well with there owners, if you still have him please consider getting a new home for him, 1 litre is just not big enough. does he even have room to move?
lol arent rice paddies big? Well at least bigger than 1 liter.... THe fish probably has more volume than the water does lol
Of course he has room to swim, and quite happily so. I don't agree that a betta needs 1 gal or two or more. My vase is bigger than the little double compartments they sell in the stores especially for betta's so why wouldn't my vase be big enough? I've had my betta for over 3 and half years and he seems quite happy and content. Still, I thank you for your opinions but I think I will continue to keep him where he is.
lol, funny excuse, unfortunately, doesnt work. I could sell shot glasses at a fish store, so does that mean a bowl bigger than a shot glass is great for the fish?
lol, funny excuse, unfortunately, doesnt work. I could sell shot glasses at a fish store, so does that mean a bowl bigger than a shot glass is great for the fish?

Musho, LoL, anything bigger than a shot glass is better and I have heard of peeps keeping them in wine glasses. I just measured the size of my bowl and it's close to 2 litres, not the one. I appreciate all replies, and want to thank you for your opinion. Just curious, how many years do your bettas live being in a larger tank?
Thanks for the reply. I have both aquariums packed up and ready to go back to the store,.. I've decided to wait until I know exactly what I want? The biggest problem has been not knowing what kind of fish are suitable to me and the size of the tank I have?
Thank you for the suggestion about the paradise fish, I just checked them out and they are a beautiful looking fish that I will definitely consider when I get everything together. Nice picture of your fishies.
It's definitely a good idea to plan what you want before you buy tanks/equipment, rather than stocking unsuitable fish, or stocking fish you don't really care about. time, planning and patience help make a successful tank.
I don't agree that a betta needs 1 gal or two or more. Still, I thank you for your opinions but I think I will continue to keep him where he is.

Who's been doing this longer? You... or the other people helping you?

Go ahead take the tank back to the store (insert "cookoo" emoticon here.)
How you can return it after hearing it would be a better home for your betta is weird/strange (for lack of some better terms) :angry:

Any fish will be much better off in an environment more suited for them. Just because fish stores keep bettas in cups doesnt mean its the ideal space to thrive. The betta cubes are not much better. 2.5 gal. is fine 5 gal. is ideal.

I have a 5 gal. tank (Eclipse) with a betta in it and i know for a fact he is happier in it, than he would be in a vase.
lol, funny excuse, unfortunately, doesnt work. I could sell shot glasses at a fish store, so does that mean a bowl bigger than a shot glass is great for the fish?

Musho, LoL, anything bigger than a shot glass is better and I have heard of peeps keeping them in wine glasses. I just measured the size of my bowl and it's close to 2 litres, not the one. I appreciate all replies, and want to thank you for your opinion. Just curious, how many years do your bettas live being in a larger tank?

I never said i owned a betta, i never said how big a betta tank would be. I just laughed at you and told you i could sell shot glasses for bettas if i wanted to, in your eyes that means anything for sale is humane and stuff, so put a betta fry in the shot glass and watch it grow. Wow you have great logic.

Oh and uhh, anything bigger than a liter container is better than a liter container.
I just moved my Betta from a 1 1/2 gallon to a 6 gallon. He's much happier now, ammonia was reading about 2ppm in the 1 1/2 gallon after a few days. This was unfiltered.

I liked some silver color Tetras I saw the other day, can't remember the name, they were more heart shaped with black fin tips. Started with a P.

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