6 Gal Tank, Am I Stuck Stocking With Minatures?

I actually had a betta in a 1 gal. tank, but decided it was too small. She is now in a 10 gal with a bamboo shrimp and some snails. I do have some current in there beacuse the bamboo requires current to feed, however my betta does not seem to mind. How about putting some guppies in there?/
I am considering moving my betta to a 3 gal at this late stage of his life. Once again thank you. everyone is entitled to their opinion but the rudeness in a couple of the posts was not needed. As for the rest of you, thank you, you have given me some good advice and I appreciate it.
Not having a proper sized tank for your betta is mean, although people were a little rude to you having a decent sized home for your betta is part of being a responsible fish kepper
My Bettas all have 6 gallons each and love the swimming space. If the tank seems too big and open, then just add a bit of decor and some plants, that way the Betta will feel a lot more secure with it's surroundings.
I'm almost new to the hobby. I do have a betta and owned a Molly before. I have a 6 gallon tank with a filter) and I am trying to find a fish that can grow in it, without me having to run out soon to buy a bigger tank to accomodate the baby that grew into an adult and doesn't fit the tank anymore. I would like a couple of fish if possible. I see there are some minatures that you can barely see? Is there anything that grows slightly bigger and doesn't outgrow the tank. I do not want a bigger tank. I tried to find some answers but the internet is confusing.

just get little fish to be on the safe side
Thank you so much for the replies. I have been looking, but some that I have read about I can't find in the stores. I'll keep on looking and learning...

Have a great day
Thanks for the reply. I have both aquariums packed up and ready to go back to the store,.. I've decided to wait until I know exactly what I want? The biggest problem has been not knowing what kind of fish are suitable to me and the size of the tank I have?
Thank you for the suggestion about the paradise fish, I just checked them out and they are a beautiful looking fish that I will definitely consider when I get everything together. Nice picture of your fishies.

Thanks Dorri :)

I am thinking of getting a Paradise fish for work I also have a Betta at work I think I will put the Paradise fish in reception and keep Cosmo my Betta in my office

plus I have 2 tanks at home :hyper: be careful fish keeping can get addictive LOL

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