5Ft Seabray Dolphin Tank With Sa/ca Cichlids

I think your mystery red head might be an orange head - sounds stupid advice but different species the orangeheads look more like the altifrons shape but they do co exist quite happily. It was only today I saw a pic of the two of them together for comparison but it was in a massive thread on the keepers of monster fish website in their earth eaters gallery thread if you can find it ;)

Oh well that would explain things, it's definitely different to the rest but only subtly. I had thought orange or red head were one in the same...I wish these would all get classified, common names are too confusing!

The hatchets are already bringing the fish out a little, I hope they don't entice anyone as food
I think the way they move around is awesome.....when they do move that is :)
I made some floating plant dividers today, from left over tank divider. I have 2 pieces each that go about 3-4cm into the water for the 90% of the width of the tank, I figure putting them in place will allow me some flow without the plants going everywhere...

Saying that though, I am starting to think I might as well say bye bye to live floaters when the sevs go in...
What are you doing with your old plants, letting them be ripped up? :look:

have you noticed your hatchets jumping yet?
What are you doing with your old plants, letting them be ripped up? :look:

have you noticed your hatchets jumping yet?

Basically, yes...none of the remaining plants looks good, shredded vallis etc

Sevs will take great pleasure in uprooting plants too...so....

No, no hatchet jumping but they do look at the ready :)
Any pic updates to entertain the crowd? :D

Your tapajo's coloured up better yet? All settled in ok?
Dealing with whitespot probably introduced by the marbled hatchets when they were added 3 weeks ago...I'm on day 3 of 7

One Geo is affected (not badly) and unfortunately one oto lost (one left), none of the other fish are showing symptoms

I ended up using Intrepid Anti-whitespot as that was what's available and seems to be decent enough, it turned the water blue/green for a while...35ml mixed with a litre of tank water and then evenly distributed across the surface

So far all the fish are looking fine including the other oto. The geo is not so figidity which I am assuming is a good sign as the stuff must be doing it's thing

Once I give my tank a good clean after the meds are over with I'll post some pics

Any pic updates to entertain the crowd? :D

Your tapajo's coloured up better yet? All settled in ok?

The bigger of the 5 (added before) is bulking up nicely now and his red hue is coming on slowly...still not there yet though, he's 4" approx

I know where are the updates on the fish!


I'm too busy reading your posts to post my own :)
glad to see things are hopeful now.

and hah, I just want to see what the hatchets look like because I fancy some in my tank ;)
They're okay, they look funky but don't really move around as much as I first thought they would, they sit in a tight group at the surface most of the time

I need to get some fake surface plants next...or some more hardy live plants....
You know the worms you had, were they 3-4 mm long and white? I was just doing my weekly maintenance and put the filter back in, turned it on and suddenly white worms were everywhere!
You know the worms you had, were they 3-4 mm long and white? I was just doing my weekly maintenance and put the filter back in, turned it on and suddenly white worms were everywhere!

Yep, same for me. It was only after stopping the filter for a good while that when turned out lots came out with the flow
Theres still some in there, I don't think i'll feed them tonight as those little worms will be enough as well as them being a sign of overfeeding
Theres still some in there, I don't think i'll feed them tonight as those little worms will be enough as well as them being a sign of overfeeding

It's very easy to overfeed, I keep saying I will feed every other day with my main tank but I just can't help it when I am around...whilst away 3 days a week they'll get fed once though...

The other problem is when you have non cichlids to feed in a cichlid tank the greedy guts always get in there first!

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