Fish Addict
I have sand you see and i didnt have to clean it. It was bought from the local fish shop. Ive read pool sand is meant to be good though. Yeah i know what you mean about the stocking, it would be nice to have a couple of groups but then its nice to have a few diff species. You cant really win. Now you have a bigger tank though and if you add a load more rocks etc then im sure they will calm down a bit. Ive got two male firemouths and not sure just to have one though. Like i said you cant win because when you do swap them about, the pecking order changes and then they end up chasing someone else lol. Then your tank could get boring with no chasing lol.
As for a tank, i think ill be buying second sand. This fish keeping is on a budget at the moment.
As for a tank, i think ill be buying second sand. This fish keeping is on a budget at the moment.