Even the experienced can make mistakes ay!
lol...not that experienced, only started last October. I was in too much of a bloody rush to get my tank setup...I'm good with the science but I can still be a plonker
The temp is finally right at 25C but I'll need to wait until a nights sleep anyway cause the water is STILL cloudy and I can't wait much longer...this sand I got has really turned out to be a bit too fine me thinks. Looks very nice though.
Worst case if there is still a problem in the morning I'll have to do a BIG water change (90%) and start to bring the temp up again which will probably take me all day. The fish seem happy in their bucket atleast.
I got a 500ml bottle of Seachem Prime through ebay a couple of days back, 5ml does 200L so I have plenty of water mileage
I'm sure they'll be fine