55g Himalayan Foothills Paludarium

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So this is in no way meant to be critical, the tank is awesome... just curious if one could make a box out of glass or plexi, that would set into the grooves for the cover ( on tanks that have the plastic trim ), as the top half of the tank just has to contain the splashing & humidity, doing so, you could fill all or most of the actual aquarium @WhistlingBadger is there any direct water spray, that couldn't be contained with a 12-14 inch high plexi sheet ( if there were 4 sheets with just some corner clips to hold them in place??? something that would be removable to ease service of the tank
So you're saying basically a removable extension that would make the tank taller, so you could fill the lower tank all the way? I don't see why not. I contain the splash and humidity with a good old fashioned glass/screen lid.
yes... a cube shaped cover to contain all the splashing, allowing to fill the tank a little fuller...

how deep is the water in the tank now??? approximately 12 inches???
All the sand loaches and hillstream loaches are out frolicking about at the moment, devouring algae pellets, as I drink my morning tea and say my morning prayers. I would try to get a video, but they all disappear as soon as they see a camera, so I'm just enjoying watching them. :) Firebelly toads should be here the week after next! 🐸
My firebelly toads finally came! I got them from TCS Dart Frogs in Reno. He sent them in a little plastic container, with another plastic container of fruit flies. They are TINY, around an inch long overall. Very active and eager to snap up fruit flies, which encourages me. If they're this happy after several days on a bare, damp paper towel, they should be thrilled with the home I've made them.

What is that, you say? You want pictures? OK, sure.
Here are their traveling accommodations. My friend who delivered them said, "They might be the only frogs of their kind who have spent a night in a hotel in Winnemucca. So they'll have stories to tell." :lol:


Rather photogenic little guys, don't you think? Yall are lucky it's too late to enter POTM.


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Yayyy! I know how much you've wanted those toads! I'm happy you finally have them!!
So they like to swim under the water with the fish as well? That's cool!
I've always wanted to do a paludarium or a rainforest type tank...

Can't wait to see more updates on this!
I'm running into a problem this morning: How to feed them. They have scattered to the four winds amid all the moss and plant life, and I'm not sure how to make sure they find their fruit flies. Recalculating...
I'm running into a problem this morning: How to feed them. They have scattered to the four winds amid all the moss and plant life, and I'm not sure how to make sure they find their fruit flies. Recalculating...
They'll hunt for those fruit flies by themselves. So, you shouldn't be worried about it.
They'll hunt for those fruit flies by themselves. So, you shouldn't be worried about it.
Yes, that's what I found this morning. They are really active hunters and fun to watch. Also, I'm finding that flightless fruitflies tend to crawl up instead of down, so it's easy for the frogs to find them.

All four are active and eating this morning! I saw three of them snuggled up together under a sheet of moss last night. :) I really like them. Worth the wait.

I'll try to get some video of them feeding later.
Actually your toads are not what I expected. Way back, when I was a teen, I had a couple of fire bellies and their bellies were black and an orange/red. Did I not have what I thought or are yours just juveniles without mature coloring?

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