55 Us Gallon Reef



I have since added a large Lobophyllia, and a Koralia 3 which has drastically increased the flow.

Im noticing some weird discoloration with my Foxface. Will update more later tonight with pics and such if I can.
Quick update guys, sorry I havnt been on in foreverrrr. Tank is doing well!

-Im in love with my auto top-off
-Three chromis died...still dunno why.
-Corals growing like weeds
-Lobophyllia is awesome
-That's all for now :D
Quick update, the tank is still running great, I'll get some new pics up pronto. Everything is thriving and doing great, especially my foxface and clownfish. The only loss has been my linkea star. I noticed some disintegration and quickly removed him and did a 15% water change.
ok time for some new pics! Um...it's been a LONG time since new pics...sooo...dont be suprised by the growth of lots of the corals :D





Wow they are growing really well.

Seems to be progressing really well, good job.

Any ideas on the next fish?
Good stuff Chris. The one mushroom head is huge. Have you fragged your xenia at all? (thats xenia in the fourth pic right?) I got a small 6-7 head frag about 3 months ago and since then, it has grown quite huge and almost thinking about fragging it as it is invading my Kenya Tree's space

Ox :good:
thanks and toanswer your last question, yes I have fragged my xenia before. It grows like crazy but my Kenya is the worst. I have to frag it maybe once every two months to keep other corals safe. I feed the frags to my choco chip starfish.
dude just wanted to say that you have the best tank on this entire forum.

you have pretty much converted me to a marine tank.

that is just ACE mate.

keep up the great work.
Thanks, Im a big fan of the tank since the addition of my trigger and the black background. I'll post some new pics tonight or tomorrow.

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