55 Us Gallon Reef

She's saying hello :D

Just found what seems to be a teddy bear crab hiding on one of my polyp rocks. Managed to snap some shots that I'll upload tonight. Here's a pic I found that looks almost identical to him.

I had a chance to nab him but I missed it. I tried to get him out of his hole with my chop sticks but I didnt want to pull an arm off or anything. Is he really going to be a problem?
I had a chance to nab him but I missed it. I tried to get him out of his hole with my chop sticks but I didnt want to pull an arm off or anything. Is he really going to be a problem?

When he gets bigger, probably :unsure:
my girlfriend thinks he's cute. I'll tell her he ran away from home like the time my roommate backed over the neighborhood cat :/
Added a 2.5" Kenya Tree frag today. Looking good.

My anemone decided to take a walk yesterday and in the process it almost took out a lot of corals. I had to do a lot of moving around to accommodate the nem's new spot. It's still shifting a bit but I think I know where it's going to stay.

Will add pics later.
Caught that teddy bear crab! I was moving some rocks around and saw him scuttle under one of them, I just picked it up and set it into my refugium sideways and the little guy crawled out of his hole and onto the sand. No problem. He doesnt seem to like it very much in there as there is no rock just yet and hardly any substrate. He'll be fine though.

Thinking of going to the LFS and getting a big star fish or something...maybe more coral frags.
Got a red linkia star fish and a new leather coral. Both appear to be doing great! The leather is almost fully opened but it's about to be lights out so hopefully I can get some better pics then.

Here ya go:


Teddy bear crab:

Porcelain crab:








Leather opened up all the way today. It looks soooo much nicer. Even better than it was looking at the LFS. I fed it some today also, it seemed to accept finely chopped mysis.

Took apart the canister and gave it a good cleaning, also added some more phosphate remover. My linckea seems to be doing well also. It's hanging out around the water line...not sure why. I would imagine he's feeding on algae film near the water line. I also tried feeding him mysis but it didnt seem interested.

The anemone has officially settled. I dont really like it's new location but it will probably do nicely there.
Added about 20lbs of live sand to my refugium today as the beginning of my DSB. Only about 4 more inches to go and I'll be pleased. :)

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